Webrelaunch 2020

AG Algebraic and Geometric Topology (Winter Semester 2022/23)


18.10.22, 4pm, onlineAdela Zhangas part of the MHTRT-seminar
27.10.22, 2pm, SR 3.61Florian KranholdTitle and Abstract
01.11.22, 4pm, onlineSamuel Muñoz Echánizas part of the MHTRT-seminar
15.11.22, 4pm, onlineGeoffroy Horelas part of the MHTRT-seminar
29.11.22, 4pm onlineJianfeng Linas part of the MHTRT-seminar
01.12.22, 2pm, SR 3.61Robin StollTitle and abstract
13.12.22, 4pm onlineGeorg Biedermannas part of the MHTRT-seminar
13.01.23, 2pm, SR 3.61Andrea BianchiTitle and abstract
17.01.23, 4pm onlineKaya Ferendoas part of the MHTRT-seminar
31.01.23, 4pm onlineBen Knudsenas part of the MHTRT-seminar
14.02.23, 4pm, onlineOwen Gwilliamas part of the MHTRT-seminar

This list will be continuously updated.

Seminar: Thursday 14:00-15:30 20.30 SR 3.61
Lecturer JProf. Dr. Manuel Krannich
Office hours: By appointment.
Room 1.013 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: krannich@kit.edu
Lecturer Dr. Florian Kranhold
Office hours: By appointment
Room 1.019 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: kranhold@kit.edu