Webrelaunch 2020

Title:Simplicial bounded cohomology and stability
Speaker:Robin Sroka
Time:Thursday, 08.02.2022, 12:45
Place:SR 3.061

Bounded cohomology is a norm-enriched version of classical group cohomology, which has applications in geometry and geometric topology. Monod and, recently, De la Cruz Mengual--Hartnick introduced homological stability ideas to the area. In analogy with Quillen's classical approach, the key input for proving stability in bounded cohomology is a bounded acyclicity theorem for certain semi-simplicial sets. In this talk, I will outline an approach for studying such acyclicity properties using norm-enriched refinements of well-known simplicial techniques, and discuss applications as well as open questions in the realm of stability. This talk is based on joint work with Thorben Kastenholz.