Dr. Leonid Chaichenets
- nach Vereinbarung
- Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
- 3.021
- 0721 608 44867
- 0721 608 47763
- leonid.chaichenets@kit.edu
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Scientific Computing Center
Scientific Computing & Mathematics
Zirkel 2 (Geb. 20.20)
76131 Karlsruhe
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Lehre an der TU Dresden
Vorträge und Poster
- „Higher order NLS with anisotropic dispersion and modulation spaces: a global existence and scattering result“
„AG Mathematische Physik“, Karlsruhe, 29. März 2021. - „Higher order NLS with anisotropic dispersion and modulation spaces: a global existence and scattering result“
„Oberseminar Analysis“, Dresden, 04. Februar 2021. - „Global well-posedness of the Klein-Gordon equation for initial data in modulation spaces“
„n-Städte-Seminar“, Leipzig, 17. Januar 2020. - „Global well-posedness of the Klein-Gordon equation for initial data in modulation spaces“
„Oberseminar Analysis“, Dresden, 21. November 2019. - „Global well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for the mass-subcritical NLS with initial data in a modulation space”
„Oberseminar Analysis”, Dresden, 27. Mai 2019. - „Global well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for the mass-subcritical NLS with initial data in a modulation space”
„Mathematical Physics Seminar”, Wien, 29. Januar 2019. - „Global solutions of the 1D cubic NLS for initial data in ”
„Aspects of Time-Frequency Analysis 2017“, Turin, 5. - 7. Juni 2017. - „Communication in wireless ad hoc networks“
Summer School „Zufall in Physik und Mathematik: Vom Quantenchaos zur freien Wahrscheinlichkeit“, Bielefeld, 5. - 17. August 2013.
Teilnahme an wissenschaftlichen Treffen
- Konferenz Contemporary Analysis and Its Applications, 2021.
- Workshop 11th Itinerant Workshop in PDEs, 2020.
- Konferenz Aspects of Time-Frequency Analysis, 2019.
- Konferenz Aspects of Time-Frequency Analysis, 2017.
- Konferenz Spectral Days, 2017.
- Jahrestreffen des SFB 1173, 2017.
- Workshop Topological Insulators and NLS, 2017.
- Summer school des SFB 1173, 2016.
- Jahrestreffen des SFB 1173, 2016.
- Workshop Quantum Dynamics and Functional Inequalities, 2016.
- Winter School Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Mechanics, 2016.
- Summer School Selected Problems in Mathematical Physics, 2014.
- Summer School Randomness in Physics and Mathematics, 2013.