Webrelaunch 2020

Cloud Computing with Mathematics Applications (Summer Semester 2011)

  • Lecturer: Marcel Kunze
  • Classes: Lecture (0161800)
  • Weekly hours: 2
  • Audience: MINT (before 99. semester)

Cloud computing is a new IT concept, that is not only relevant in economy but as well very useful in science. By using virtualized computing and storage resources and modern Web technologies, cloud computing provides scalable, network-centric, abstracted IT infrastructures, platforms, and applications as on-demand services. These services are billed on a usage basis.

The lectures cover the following topics:

* Basics
* Virtualization and Web Services
* Public Cloud Services
* Programming Models
* Algorithms
* Scientific Computing in the Cloud
* HPC as a Service

The lectures give an overview on cloud computing architecture, applications, and development. They cover lots of scientific applications as well as new algorithms such as MapReduce to solve data parallel problems. It is our aim to bring the students up to date on this technology and thus to provide a common basis for discussion. This lectures do not require any knowledge of the technological background. Practical work will be conducted either with local cloud resources or with public resources such as Amazon Web Services or Google AppEngine.

Christian Baun, Marcel Kunze, Jens Nimis, Stefan Tai: Cloud Computing, Springer 2011

Lecture: Monday 14:00-15:30 1C-04
Lecturer Marcel Kunze
Office hours:
Room 354 Röserhaus (01.86)
Email: Marcel.Kunze@kit.edu