Webrelaunch 2020

Dr. habil. Marcel Kunze

  • Cloud Computing
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
    Institut für Angewandte und Numerische Mathematik IV
    Engineering Mathematics and Computing Lab (EMCL)
    Fritz-Erler-Str. 23
    76133 Karlsruhe

Aktuelles Lehrangebot
Semester Titel Typ
Sommersemester 2013 Vorlesung
Sommersemester 2012 Vorlesung
Sommersemester 2011 Vorlesung
Sommersemester 2009 Vorlesung

Heading the research group for cloud computing at SCC and the cloud computing lab at EMCL, KIT senior scientist Dr. Marcel Kunze is a technical lead in the Open Cirrus cloud computing testbed of HP, Intel and Yahoo!.
He received a Diploma degree in Physics at Karlsruhe University in 1985. After his graduation in 1990 he went to Bochum University where he started to work in the field of distributed systems and neuro-informatics. In 1996 he received his habilitation on the use of artificial neural systems in particle physics. Since then he joined the BABAR collaboration at SLAC / Stanford University to investigate and further develop the Grid computing paradigm for distributed processing of particle physics data. As an associate professor he was teaching particle physics, neuro-informatics and software design. In 2002 Dr. Kunze joined Research Centre Karlsruhe as a department leader for "Grid Computing and e-Science" to work on the establishment of the LHC Computing Grid. He was instrumental to bring up the GridKa Tier-1 centre for LHC and also was the spiritus rector of the German D-Grid initiative. He served many years in the Project Management Board of the "Enabling Grids for eScience in Europe" project. In the research group cloud computing at SCC and the cloud computing lab at EMCL he is now committed to R&D in the field of service oriented architectures, virtualization techniques and system development for cloud computing. His working groups are active in many national and international projects and committees.

His research interests are parallel and distributed systems, with a strong focus on cloud computing.


Masterkurs Parallele und Verteilte Systeme: Grundlagen und Programmierung von Multicoreprozessoren, Multiprozessoren, Cluster und Grid, von Günther Bengel, Christian Baun, Marcel Kunze, und Karl-Uwe Stucky, Vieweg Verlag 2008.

Cloud Computing, von Christian Baun, Marcel Kunze, Jens Nimis unf Stefan Tai, Springer Verlag, 2.Auflage, 2011

Soziale Netzwerke
