Webrelaunch 2020

Information on the Regulations for the Award of a Doctoral Degree by the Department of Mathematics of July 27, 2016

1. At the beginning of the doctoral procedure, every doctoral candidate of the Department must apply for acceptance as a doctoral candidate with the Dean’s Office. Details are outlined in Article 11 of the Regulations for the Award of a Doctoral Degree.
A doctoral agreement in writing concluded by the doctoral candidate and her/his supervisor must be enclosed with the application.
Further details on the application and doctoral agreement can be found under Acceptance as Doctoral Candidate.

2. For planning the dates of the doctorates, the Department administrates an online calendar https://cmsadmin.math.kit.edu/admin/intern/reservierungen/Promotionskalender/, in which every doctoral candidate can enter the dates desired. Doctoral colloquia are offered regularly both during the lecture period and the non-lecture period. During the lecture period, they usually take place on Wednesdays.
All accepted doctoral candidates are requested by mail by the Department Head / Doctoral Admissions Committee to enter their dates desired for the three-month period queried by a given deadline. Based on the dates entered by the doctoral candidates, the Doctoral Admissions Committee plans the doctorates for the next three months and informs the doctoral candidates accordingly. Details on entering dates in the calendar and on planning the dates can be found under Planning of Dates of Doctorates.

3. Eight weeks prior to the date of the doctorate at the latest, admission to the doctoral examination must be applied for with the Dean’s Office of the KIT Department of Mathematics and a copy of the doctoral thesis must be submitted to it in both electronic and printed form (see Article 13, PromO). For this purpose, use the assistant “Promotionsgesuch” (application for admission to the doctoral examination) in the registration portal Docata https://docata.khys.kit.edu/home.
A detailed description of the application for admission to the doctoral examination (Promotionsgesuch) can be found under Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination.

When applying for admission to the doctoral examination, two reviewers must be proposed, of whom one must be member of the Department. If necessary, a third reviewer may be involved, see Article 15, par. 4 and Article 20, par. 4, PromO. In case of external reviewers, their contact data, exact academic titles (e.g. Dr. rer. nat. or Professor of Theoretical Particle Physics, etc.) must be given to the Dean’s Office.

4. Upon submission of the application for admission to the doctoral examination and the doctoral thesis to the Dean’s Office, the reviewers will be specified by the Doctoral Admissions Committee and they will be asked to give their opinions. For this purpose, the Dean’s Office will send them the doctoral thesis in electronic form.

Note: In case reviewers wish to have a printed copy of the doctoral thesis, this copy must be made available by the candidate

5. At the same time, the Dean’s Office asks the spokespersons of the institutes to appoint one examination committee member per institute. The names must be given to the Dean’s Office within two weeks at the latest.

6. All opinions must be submitted to the Dean’s Office in both electronic and printed and signed form not later than four working days prior to the start of the display period of 14 days specified in the Regulations for the Award of the Doctoral Degree. The main reviewer is responsible for observing the deadlines.