Webrelaunch 2020

Doctorates and Habilitations

The Department of Mathematics confers the degree Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) for independent scientific research achievements.

Habilitation is the recognition of a special research and lecturing qualification in the subject of mathematics (facultas docendi), on the basis of which the candidate is authorized to teach (venia legendi). Further information can be found in the habilitation regulations (Habilitationsordnung) of KIT.

If you have questions relating to doctorates and habilitation degrees, please contact Mrs Anke Vennen, M. A. (Tel.: +49 721 608-43802, E-Mail: anke.vennen@kit.edu).

Information on the Doctoral Procedure

· Regulations for the award of a doctoral degree by the department Die Promotionsordnung der Fakultät, Fassung vom 27.07.2016 (.pdf)
· Information on the Regulations for the Award of a Doctoral Degree by the Department of Mathematics of July 27, 2016

· Ombudspersons