Webrelaunch 2020

Promotionen 2020

  • Herr M. Sc. Gregor Leimcke
Titel:“Bayesian Optimal Investment and Reinsurance to Maximize Exponential Utility of Terminal Wealth”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Nicole Bäuerle
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schmidt, Freiburg
Kolloquium: 22.01.2020

  • Herr M. Sc. Moritz Otto
Titel:“Extremale Eigenschaften zufälliger Mosaike und Graphen”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Günter Last
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Daniel Hug
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Bojan Basrak, Zagreb (CRO)
Kolloquium: 19.02.2020

  • Herr M. Sc. Christoph Karg
Titel:“On the Coarse Geometry of Regular Translation Surfaces”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen, Saarbrücken
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Frank Herrlich
Korreferent:Dr. Daniele Alessandrini, New York (USA)
Kolloquium: 04.03.2020

  • Frau M. Sc. Judith Schilling
Titel:“Untersuchungen zur Asymptotik und zum Erwartungswert im verallgemeinerten Coupon-Collector-Problem”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Norbert Henze
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Daniel Hug
Kolloquium: 11.03.2020

  • Frau Verena Möhler
Referent:Prof. Dr. Frank Herrlich
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Markus Stroppel, Stuttgart
Kolloquium: 17.03.2020

  • Frau M. Sc. Annette Karrer
Titel:“Contracting boundaries of amalgamated free products of CAT(0) groups with applications for right-angled Coxeter groups”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Petra Schwer, Magdeburg
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Tobias Hartnick
Kolloquium: 17.03.2020

  • Herr M. Sc. Jonas Kusch
Titel:“Realizability-preserving discretization strategies for hyperbolic and kinetic equations with uncertainty”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Martin Frank
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Christian Wieners
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Ryan McClarren, Indiana, USA
Kolloquium: 06.05.2020

  • Herr M. Sc. Bernhard Maier
Titel:“Error analysis for space and time discretizations of quasilinear wave-type equations”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Marlis Hochbruck
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Roland Schnaubelt
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Charalambos Makridakis, Heraklion (GR)
Kolloquium: 27.05.2020

  • Herr M. Sc. Felix Herold
Titel:“Random mosaics in hyperbolic space”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Daniel Hug
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Günter Last
Kolloquium: 17.06.2020

  • Herr Dipl.-Math. Dipl.-Phys. Sven Caspart
Titel:“Singularities of Translation Manifolds”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Frank Herrlich
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen, Saarbrücken
Kolloquium: 01.07.2020

  • Herr M. Sc. Benjamin Waßermann
Titel:“The L²-Cheeger-Müller Theorem for Representations of Hyperbolic Lattices”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Roman Sauer
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Tobias Lamm
Korreferent:Dr. Beatrice M. Pozzetti, Heidelberg
Kolloquium: 30.07.2020

  • Herr M. Sc. Julian Krämer
Titel:“A hybrid weakly conforming finite element method for applications in solid mechanics”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Christian Wieners
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Willy Dörfler
Kolloquium: 23.09.2020

  • Herr M. Sc. Fabian Klemens
Titel:“Combining computational fluid dynamics and magnetic resonance imaging data using lattice Boltzmann based topology optimisation”
Referent:PD Dr. Gudrun Thäter
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Willy Dörfler
Korreferent:Dr. Mathias Krause
Kolloquium: 30.09.2020

  • Herr M. Sc. Alexander Glauner
Titel:“Robust and Risk-Sensitive Markov Decision Processes with Applications to Dynamic Optimal Reinsurance”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Nicole Bäuerle
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Anna Jaśkiewicz, Wroclaw, Polen
Kolloquium: 11.11.2020

  • Herr M. Sc. Jan Philip Freese
Titel:“Numerical homogenization of time-dependent Maxwell's equations with dispersion effects”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Christian Wieners
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Dietmar Gallistl, Jena
Kolloquium: 25.11.2020

  • Herr M. Sc. Tobias Schmid
Titel:“Local wellposedness and global regularity results for biharmonic wave maps”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Tobias Lamm
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Birgit Schörkhuber, Frankfurt/M.
Korreferent:Prof. Joachim Krieger, Lausanne
Kolloquium: 16.12.2020

  • Herr M. Sc. Konstantin Zerulla
Titel:“ADI schemes for the time integration of Maxwell equations”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Roland Schnaubelt
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Marlis Hochbruck
Kolloquium: 16.12.2020