Webrelaunch 2020

Promotionen 2022

  • Herr M. Sc. Jan Kohlmüller
Titel:“Families of Infinite Translation Surfaces related to the Chamanara Surface”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Frank Herrlich
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen, Saarbrücken
Kolloquium: 09.02.2022

  • Herr M. Sc. Zoltan Veszelka
Titel:“Anwendung der Finite-Elemente-Heterogene-Multiskalen-Methode auf thermische Prozesse in großformatigen Lithium-Ionen-Batterien”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Willy Dörfler
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Christian Wieners
Kolloquium: 22.02.2022

  • Herr M. Sc. Jonathan Wunderlich
Titel:“Computer-assisted Existence Proofs for Navier-Stokes Equations on an Unbounded Strip with Obstacle”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Michael Plum
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Christian Wieners
Kolloquium: 22.02.2022

  • Frau M. Ed. Sarah Schönbrodt
Titel:“Optimierungsprobleme in der mathematischen Modellierung - Grundlegende Aspekte und Chancen aus Sicht der Mathematikdidaktik - herausgestellt an aktuellen Problemen aus der Forschung zu künstlicher Intelligenz und erneuerbaren Energien”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Martin Frank
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Oliver Stein (IOR)
Korreferent:Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Hans Humenberger, Wien
Kolloquium: 23.02.2022

  • Herr M. Sc. Benny Stein
Titel:“Multi-level stochastic collocation methods for parabolic and Schrödinger equations”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Tobias Jahnke
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Christian Wieners
Kolloquium: 16.03.2022

  • Herr M. Sc. Jonathan Fröhlich
Titel:“A segregated finite element method for cardiac elastodynamics in a fully coupled human heart model”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Christian Wieners
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Olaf Dössel (IBT)
Korreferent:PD Dr.-Ing. Axel Loewe (IBT)
Kolloquium: 16.03.2022

  • Frau M. Sc. Zihui He
Titel:“Incompressible inhomogeneous viscous fluid flows: existence, uniqueness and regularity”
Referent:Jprof. Dr. Xian Liao
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Michael Plum
Kolloquium: 06.04.2022

  • Herr M. Sc. Pascal Kraft
Titel:“A Hierarchical Solver for Time-Harmonic Maxwell’s Equations”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Willy Dörfler
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Christian Wieners
Kolloquium: 13.04.2022

  • Herr M. Sc. Martin Günther
Titel:“Spaces with local chronological structure and the cosheaf of fundamental semicategories”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Wilderich Tuschmann
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Roman Sauer
Kolloquium: 11.05.2022

  • Herr M. Sc. Julian Baumstark
Titel:“High-frequency wave-propagation: error analysis for analytical and numerical approximations”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Tobias Jahnke
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Marlis Hochbruck
Kolloquium: 06.07.2022

  • Herr M. Sc. Steffen Betsch
Titel:“A point process theoretic study of Gibbs measures in abstract state spaces”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Günter Last
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Daniel Hug
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Sabine Jansen, LMU München
Kolloquium: 06.07.2022

  • Herr M. Sc. Andreas Eberl
Titel:“Quantification of Location, Dispersion, Skewness and Kurtosis”
Referent:PD. Dr. Bernhard Klar
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Tilmann Gneiting
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Alfred Müller, Siegen
Kolloquium: 13.07.2022

  • Herr M. Sc. Stefan Schrammer
Titel:“On dynamical low-rank integrators for matrix differential equations”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Marlis Hochbruck
Korreferent:PD. Dr. Markus Neher
Korreferent:Assoz. Prof. Lukas Einkemmer, PhD, Innsbruck
Kolloquium: 13.07.2022

  • Herr M. Sc. Philipp Reiser
Titel:“Generalized Surgery on Riemannian Manifolds of Positive Ricci Curvature”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Wilderich Tuschmann
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Enrico Leuzinger
Korreferent:Ass. Prof. Dr. Fernando Galaz-Garcia, Durham
Kolloquium: 21.07.2022

  • Frau M. Sc. Airi Takeuchi
Titel:“Integrability and Chaotic Behavior in Mechanical Billiard Systems”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Michael Plum
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr.-habil. Urs Frauenfelder, Augsburg
Kolloquium: 21.07.2022

  • Herr M. Sc. Peter Kaiser
Titel:“Complexity of Model Sets in Two-Step Nilpotent Lie Groups”
Referent:PD Dr. Stefan Kühnlein
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Tobias Hartnick
Kolloquium: 27.07.2022

  • Herr M. Sc. Elias Gasmi
Titel:“On the Lugiato-Lefever Model for Frequency Combs in a Dual-Pumped Ring Resonator with an Appendix on Band Structures for Periodic Fractional Schrödinger Operators”
Referent:Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Reichel
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Christian Koos (IPQ)
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Michael Plum
Kolloquium: 16.11.2022

  • Herr M. Sc. Friedrich Klaus
Titel:“Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with Rough Data”
Referent:ApplProf Dr. Peer Kunstmann
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Dirk Hundertmark
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Mehmet Burak Erdogan
Kolloquium: 23.11.2022

  • Herr M. Sc. David Degen
Titel:“On the Global Topology of Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics with Holonomy Sp(n)”
Referent:Prof Dr. Wilderich Tuschmann
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Roman Sauer
Korreferent:Ruobing Zhang PhD, Princeton University
Kolloquium: 07.12.2022