Webrelaunch 2020

Promotionen 2010

  • Herr Dipl.-Math. Kai Sandfort
Titel:The Factorization Method for Inverse Scattering from Periodic Inhomogeneous Media
Referent:Prof. Dr. A. Kirsch
Korreferent:PD Dr. F. Hettlich

  • Herr Dipl.-Math. Thomas Gauss
Titel:Floquet theory for a Class of Periodic Evolution Equations in an Lp-Setting
Referent:Prof. Dr. L. Weis
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. R. Schnaubelt

  • Herr Dipl.-Math. oec. Bruno Ebner
Titel:Zur Asymptotik eines mit quadratischen Abhängigkeiten operierenden Tests auf multivariate Normalverteilung
Referent:Prof. Dr. N. Henze
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. L. Baringhaus, Hannover

  • Herr Alexander Bulovyatov, M.Sc.
Titel:Parallel multigrid method for band structure computation of 3D photonic crystals with higher order finite elements
Referent:Prof. Dr. C. Wieners
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. W. Dörfler

  • Herr Dipl.-Math. Carsten Blank
Titel:On the Existence of Breather Solutions in non-linear Klein-Gordon equations with periodic coefficients
Referent:Prof. Dr. G. Schneider, Stuttgart
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. M. Plum

  • Herr Dipl.-Math.oec. Mario Hörig
Titel:Zufällige harte Partikelsysteme
Referent:Prof. Dr. W. Weil
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. G. Last

  • Herr Dipl.-Phys. Vu Hoang
Titel:Solution Enclosures for Scalar Conservation Laws
Referent:Prof. Dr. M. Plum
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. W. Reichel

  • Herr Dipl.-Math. Martin Sauter
Titel:Numerical Analysis of Algorithms for Infinitesimal Associated and Non-Associated Elasto-Plasticity
Referent:Prof. Dr. Wieners
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Dörfler

  • Herr Dipl.-Math. techn. Hendryk Bockelmann
Titel:High Performance Computing Based Methods for Simulation and Optimisation of Flow Problems
Referent:Prof. Dr. V. Heuveline
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. P. Wittwer, Université de Genève
Korreferent:JProf. Dr. J.-P Weiß

  • Herr Dipl.-Math. oec. Mathias Krause
Titel:Fluid Flow Simulation and Optimisation with Lattice Boltzmann Methods on High Performance Computers
Referent:Prof. Dr. V. Heuveline
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. M. Junk, Universität Konstanz
Korreferent:PD Dr. G. Thäter

  • Frau Dipl.-Math. Maria Radosz
Titel:The Principles of Limit Absorption and Limit Amplitude for Periodic Operators
Referent:Prof. Dr. M. Plum
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. A. Kirsch

  • Frau Dipl.-Math. oec. Wei Lao
Titel:Some weak limit laws for the diameter of random point sets in bounded regions
Referent:Prof. Dr. N. Henze
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. G. Last

  • Herr Dipl.-Math. oec. Robin Pfeiffer
Titel:State price density models for the term structure of interest rates
Referent:Prof. Dr. N. Bäuerle
Korreferent:JProf. Dr. L. Veraart

  • Herr Thomas Willging, LA
Titel:On Length Spectra of Lattices
Referent:Prof. Dr. F. Herrlich
Korreferent:PD Dr. S. Kühnlein
Rigorosum und Schlussbesprechung:16.11.2010

  • Herr Dipl.-Math. techn. Jonathan Ott
Titel:A Markov Decision Model for a Surveillance Application and Risk-Sensitive Markov Decision Processes
Referent:Prof. Dr. N. Bäuerle
Korreferent:PD Dr. D. Kadelka

  • Frau Dipl.-Math. Esther Bleich
Titel:Global properties of kernels of transition semigroups
Referent:Prof. Dr. Dr. R. Schnaubelt
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. A. Rhandi, Salerno (I)
Korreferent:PD Dr. P. Kunstmann

  • Herr Dipl.-Math. techn. Markus Richter
Titel:Optimization of Photonic Band Structures
Referent:Prof. Dr. W. Dörfler
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. C. Wieners

  • Frau Dipl.-Math. oec. Melanie Reimers
Titel:Nichtlineare photonische Kristalle: Computerunterstützter Beweis einer spektralen Bandlücke
Referent:Prof. Dr. M.Plum
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. C. Wieners

  • Herr Dipl.-Math. Martin Meyries
Titel:Maximal Regularity in Weighted Spaces, Nonlinear Boundary Conditions, and Global Attractors
Referent:Prof. Dr. R. Schnaubelt
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. J. Prüß, Univ. Halle
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. L. Weis

  • Frau Dipl.-Math. techn. Susanne Schmitt
Titel:Detection and Characterization of Inclusions in Impedance Tomography
Referent:Prof. Dr. A. Kirsch
Korreferent:PD Dr. T. Arens

  • Herr Dipl.-Math. Alexander Ullmann
Titel:Maximal functions, functional calculus, and generalized Triebel-Lizorkin spaces for sectorial operators
Referent:PD Dr. P. Kunstmann
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. L. Weis