Webrelaunch 2020

Promotionen 2015

  • Herr Dipl. Math. Werner Thumann
Titel:Operad Groups
Referent:Prof. Dr. Roman Sauer
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Enrico Leuzinger
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Andreas Thom, Dresden
Kolloquium: 28.01.2015

  • Herr Dipl.-Phys. Andreas Schulz
Titel:Numerical analysis of the electro-magnetic perfectly matched layer in a discontinuous Galerkin discretization
Referent:Prof. Dr. Christian Wieners
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Andreas Rieder
Kolloquium: 18.02.2015

  • Herr Dipl. Math. Andreas Bolleyer
Titel:Spectrally Localized Strichartz Estimates and Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations
Referent:Prof. Dr. Lutz Weis
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Roland Schnaubelt
Kolloquium: 13.05.2015

  • Frau Dipl. Math. oec. Anja Randecker
Titel:Geometry and topology of wild translation surfaces
Referent:J.Prof. Dr. Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Frank Herrlich
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Ferran Valdez, Mexico
Kolloquium: 17.06.2015

  • Herr M. Sc. Fabio Margotti
Titel:On inexact Newton methods for inverse problems in Banach spaces
Referent:Prof. Dr. Andreas Rieder
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Andreas Kirsch
Kolloquium: 15.07.2015

  • Herr M. Sc. Ekkachai Thawinan
Titel:Numerical approximation of higher-dimensional Continuum dislocation Dynamics theory in single crystal plasticity
Referent:Prof. Dr. Christian Wieners
Korreferent:Prof. Dr. Willy Dörfler
Kolloquium: 07.10.2015