Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination
according to Article 13 of the Regulations for the Award of the Doctoral Degree of July 27, 2016
The application for admission to the doctoral procedure must be addressed to the Doctoral Admissions Committee of the KIT Department of Mathematics.
Eight weeks before the agreed colloquium date at the latest, the doctoral candidate uploads the required application documents in PDF format directly under “Promotionsgesuch” (application for admission to the doctoral examination) in the Docata registration portal Then, this application will be checked and approved electronically by the Department Head. After this, the candidate prints out the documents, signs them, and submits them to the Dean’s Office. The doctoral thesis must be submitted to the Dean’s Office (first in electronic form via Docata and then as a hard copy by internal mail) together with the application for admission to the doctoral examination (eight weeks prior to the date of the colloquium at the latest).
The following documents must be enclosed with the application letter:
- Diploma or master’s certificate
- Description of the professional and scientific career (CV)
- Eidesstattliche Versicherung (affirmation in lieu of an oath) according to Annex 3 of the Regulations for the Award of the Doctoral Degree (.doc|.pdf).
- A copy of the information on the significance and consequences of the affirmation in lieu of an oath signed by the applicant according to Annex 4 of the Regulation for the Award of the Doctoral Degree (.doc|.pdf).
- A declaration in writing that the “Rules for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice” of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) are observed according to Annex 5b of the Regulations for the Award of the Doctoral Degree (Rules as .pdf).
- List of all scientific publications of the applicant (list of publications)
- A declaration according to Article 17, par. 8, cl. 1 as to whether the Department public shall be admitted to the oral examination
- Proposals of reviewers according to Article 15, par. 3
- A copy of the doctoral thesis in both electronic (in PDF format) and printed form
- If applicable, proof of the complementary achievements required by the Doctoral Admissions Committee according to Article 4, par. 4
- Graduates of undergraduate programs or graduates of universities of applied sciences and cooperative state universities additionally have to submit a proof of their scientific qualification according to Article. 4, pars. 5 and 6 of the Regulations for the Award of the Doctoral Degree
- Doctoral degree certificate, if the doctoral candidate has already been conferred a doctoral degree.