Former Fellows
Former PostDocs
- David Cohen
- Tomáš Dohnal
- Christian Engström
- Vu Hoang
- Kirankumar R. Hiremath
- Andrii Khrabustovskyi
- Vincent Lescarret
- Rainer Mandel
- Julia Schweitzer
Former PhD students
Branimir Anić
Title of dissertation: | The Fourier-Galerkin Method for Band Structure Computations of 2D and 3D Photonic Crystals (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Dörfler, Prof. Dr. Hochbruck |
Bernhard Barth
Title of dissertation: | The Bloch Transform on Lp-Spaces (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Weis, Prof. Dr. Schnaubelt |
Carsten Blank
Title of dissertation: | On the Existence of Breathers Solutions in non-linear Klein--Gordon equations with periodic coefficients (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Schneider, Prof. Dr. Plum |
Elisabeth Blank
Title of dissertation: | The Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Maxwell's Equations: Application to Bodies of Revolution and Kerr-Nonlinearities (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Doerfler, Prof. Dr. Busch, Prof. Dr. Wieners |
Tatiana Bulovyatova
Title of dissertation: | Numerical methods of localization of Wannier functions in modeling of Photonic Crystals (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Dörfler, Prof. Dr. Wieners |
Alexander Bulovyatov
Title of dissertation: | A parallel multigrid method for band structure computation of 3D photonic crystals with higher order finite elements (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Wieners, Prof. Dr. Dörfler |
Markus Bürg (Link to new Website)
Title of dissertation: | A Fully Automatic hp-Adaptive Refinement Strategy (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Dörfler, Prof. Dr. Wieners |
Martina Chirilus-Bruckner
Title of dissertation: | Nonlinear interaction of pulses (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Schneider, Prof. Dr. Plum |
Christopher Chong (Link to new Website)
Title of dissertation: | Modelling optical technologies with continuous and discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equations (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Schneider, Prof. Dr. Plum |
Abdullah Demirel
Title of dissertation: | Eine flexible Klasse von local time stepping Verfahren (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Hochbruck, Prof. Dr. Jahnke |
Hans-Jürgen Freisinger
Title of dissertation: | Grenzflächenprobleme bei der nichtlinearen Schrödingergleichung (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Reichel, Prof. Dr. Plum |
Thomas Gauss
Title of dissertation: | Floquet Theory for a Class of Periodic Evolution Equations in
an |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Weis, Prof. Dr. Schnaubelt |
Hannes Gerner
Title of dissertation: | Stetige Galerkinverfahren für zeitabhängige Maxwellgleichungen mit Kerr-Nichtlinearität (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Dörfler, Prof. Dr. Jahnke |
Axel Krämer
Title of dissertation: | Adaptivity in Bandstructure Calculations of Photonic Crystals (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Dörfler, PD Dr. Neuß |
Armin Lechleiter (Link to new Website)
Title of dissertation: | Factorization methods for photonics and rough surfaces (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Kirsch, Prof. Dr. Rieder |
Haojun Li
Title of dissertation: | Numerical simulation of a micro-ring resonator with adaptive wavelet collocation method (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Rieder, Prof. Dr. Kirsch |
Rainer Mandel (Link to Website)
Title of dissertation: | Ground states, bifurcations and singular solutions of nonlinear Schrödinger systems |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Reichel, Prof. Dr. Plum |
Dominik Müller
Title of dissertation: | Well-posedness for a general class of quasilinear evolution equations - with applications to Maxwell's equations (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Schnaubelt, Prof. Dr. Weis |
Tomislav Pažur
Title of dissertation: | Error analysis of implicit and exponential time integration of linear Maxwell's equations (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Hochbruck, Prof. Dr. Wieners |
Maria Radosz
Title of dissertation: | The Principles of Limit Absorption and Limit Amplitude for Periodic Operators (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Plum, Prof. Dr. Kirsch |
Melanie Reimers
Title of dissertation: | Nichtlineare photonische Kristalle: Computerunterstützter Beweis einer spektralen Bandlücke (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Plum, Prof. Dr. Wieners |
Markus Richter
Title of dissertation: | Optimization of Photonic Band Structures (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Dörfler, Prof. Dr. Wieners |
Staffan, Ronnas
Title of dissertation: | hp-FEM for Two-component Flows with Applications in Optofluidics (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Vincent Heuveline, Prof. Dr. Willy Dörfler |
Kai Sandfort (Link to new Website)
Title of dissertation: | The factorisation method for scattering at periodic inhomogeneous media (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Kirsch, PD Dr. Hettlich |
Philipp Schmalkoke
Title of dissertation: | On the Spectral Properties of Dispersive Photonic Crystals (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Plum, Prof. Dr. Schnaubelt |
Arne Schneck
Title of dissertation: | Bounds for optimization of the reflection coefficient by constrained optimization in Hardy spaces (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Rieder, Prof. Dr. Kirsch |
Anton Verbitsky
Title of dissertation: | Positive Solutions for the Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation: A Priori Estimates and Convergence (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Reichel, Prof. Dr. Dörfler |
Jiping Xin
Title of dissertation: | Boundary Element Approximation for Maxwell's Eigenvalue Problem (Link to online source) |
Supervisors: | Prof. Dr. Wieners, Prof. Dr. Dörfler |