Webrelaunch 2020

Former Talks of the RTG Seminar

Summer term 2014

  • Monday, 07.07, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Kresimir Burazin (University of Osijek, Croatia)

    Non-stationary abstract Friedrichs systems Abstract
  • Monday, 30.06, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Uwe Köcher (Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg)

    Variational space-time methods for the elastic wave equation Abstract
  • Monday, 23.06, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Maria Lopez-Fernandez (Universität Zürich, Switzerland)

    Runge-Kutta Generalized Convolution Quadrature Abstract
  • Monday, 16.06, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Julian Ott

    On the Existence of Optimal Domain for Waveguide Scattering Problem
  • Monday, 02.06, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Prof. Cristian Gutierrez (Temple University Philadelphia, USA)

    Aspherical lens design Abstract
  • Monday, 26.05, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Jens Babutzka

    The Maxwell operator on periodically perforated domains
  • Tuesday, 13.05, 17:30-18:30, Neuer Hörsaal (20.40) - Prof. Dr. Carsten Rockstuhl

    Interaction of light with plasmonic nanostructures Abstract
  • Monday, 12.05, 15:45-16:45, 1C-04 - Prof. Dr. Anke-Susanne Müller, Markus Schwarz

    Electromagnetic Wave Phenomena in Particle Accelerators Abstract
  • Thursday, 24.04, 17:30-18:30, 1C-03 - Olaf Post (Durham University, UK)

    Norm convergence of operators acting in different Hilbert spaces

Winter term 2013/2014

  • Monday, 10.02, 16:30-17:15, 1C-04 - Martin Meyries (Universität Halle-Wittenberg)

    A unified framework for parabolic equations with mixed boundary conditions and diffusion on interfaces Abstract
  • Monday, 10.02, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Dominik Müller

    Local Wellposedness of Quasilinear Hyperbolic Equations with Applications to Maxwell's Equations
  • Monday, 03.02, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Marcel Mikl

    Strang splitting for a NLS with damping and forcing
  • Monday, 27.01, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Piotr Idzik

    About applications of bifurcation theory to some problems arising from non-linear Maxwell's equations
  • Monday, 20.01, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Michael Plum, Andrii Khrabustovskyi

    Spectral properties of the Laplacian perturbed on a family of shells
  • Monday, 13.01, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Andreas Schulz

    The perfectly matched layer for Maxwell's equations with a discontinuous Galerkin discretization: Part 2
  • Tuesday, 17.12, 17:30-18:15, NH - Ziyad Muslimani (Florida State University)

    Integrable Nonlocal Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation. Part 2. Abstract
  • Monday, 16.12, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Ziyad Muslimani (Florida State University)

    Integrable Nonlocal Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation. Part 1. Abstract
  • Monday, 02.12, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Julian Ott

    Domain optimization for an acoustic scattering problem. Abstract
  • Monday, 25.11, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Wolfgang Reichel

    Ground states of a nonlinear curl-curl problem. Abstract
  • Friday, 22.11, 9:45-11:15, 1C-04 - Alexander Ostermann (University of Innsbruck)

    Integration of Vlasov-type equations
  • Monday, 28.10, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Andrii Khrabustovskyi

    Opening up and control of spectral gaps of the Laplacian in a periodic domain. Abstract
  • Monday, 21.10, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Diana Barseghyan (Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg)

    A regular version of Smilansky model. Abstract

Summer term 2013

  • Monday, 15.07, 15:45-16:45, 1C-03 - Lutz Weis

    Spectral methods for wave phenomena
  • Monday, 8.07, 15:45-16:45, 1C-03 - Anton Verbitsky

    Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation III
  • Monday, 24.06, 15:45-16:45, 1C-03 - Bilal Haddou-Temsamani

    An Adaptive Wavelet Collocation Method
  • Monday, 17.06, 15:45-16:45, 1C-03 - Branimir Anić

    Efficient Implementation of the Fourier-Galerkin Method for 2D and 3D Photonic Band Structure Calculations
  • Monday, 10.06, 16:15-16:45, 1C-03 - Stefan Findeisen

    First step towards Parallel and Adaptive Computation of Maxwell's Equations. Abstract
  • Monday, 10.06, 15:45-16:15, 1C-03 - Christian Wieners

    Space-Time Methods for Wave Equations. Abstract
  • Monday, 27.05, 15:45-16:45, 1C-03 - Andrii Khrabustovskyi

    Homogenization of periodic PDEs and two-scale convergence (introductory lecture) Abstract
  • Monday, 29.04, 15:45-16:45, 1C-03 - Vu Thai Luan (University of Innsbruck)

    Exponential B-series
  • Wednesday, 17.04, 15:45-16:45, 1C-03 - Tomas Dohnal (TU Dortmund)

    Inverse scattering transformations and solitons

Winter term 2012/2013

  • Friday, 08.02., 14:00-15:30 Katharina Schratz (INRIA & ENS Cachan Bretagne)

    Effiziente numerische Zeitintegration der Klein-Gordon Gleichung im nicht-relativistischen Grenzbereich
  • Friday, 08.02., 15:45-17:15 Jan Giesselmann (WIAS Berlin)

    Phasenfeld-Modelle für kompressible Mehrphasenströmungen mit Phasenübergang
  • Friday, 08.02., 17:30-19:00 Jens Rottmann-Matthes (Universität Bielefeld)

    Stabilität und Approximation nichtilnearer Wellen
  • Monday, 04.02., 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Dominik Mueller

    Local wellposedness of quasilinear Maxwell's equations. An introduction.
  • Friday, 01.02., 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Martina Chirilus-Bruckner (Boston University)

    Schmetterlingskatastrophe für Fronten in einem Drei-Komponenten-Modell

  • Friday, 01.02., 17:30-19:00, 1C-04 - Marcus Wunsch (ETH Zürich)

    The Hunter-Saxton System and the Geodescics on (Pseudo-)Spheres

  • Tuesday, 29.01., 14:00-15:30, 5C-01 - Patrick Henning (Universität Münster)

    Numerische Mehrskalenmethoden

  • Tuesday, 29.01., 15:45-17:15, 5C-01 - Petra Csomós (University of Innsbruck)

    Konvergenz und Anwendungen der Splitting-Verfahren

  • Tuesday, 29.01., 17:30-19:00, 5C-01 - Ludwig Gauckler (TU Berlin)

    Stabilität von ebenen Wellen in nichtlinearen Schrödingergleichungen und in deren Diskretisierung

  • Monday, 28.01., 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Stefan Findeisen

    Numerical Optimization of a Waveguide Transition using Finite Element Beam Propagation

  • Monday, 21.01., 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Abdullah Demirel

    Optimized exponential multistep methods

  • Monday, 14.01, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Andreas Schulz

    The perfectly matched layer for Maxwell's equations with a discontinuous Galerkin discretization

  • Monday, 17.12, 15:45-16:30, 1C-03 - Andrii Khrabustovskyi

    Gaps in the spectrum of the Neumann Laplacian generated by a system of periodically distributed traps. Joint work with Evgen Khruslov (NAS of Ukraine)

  • Monday, 10.12, 15:45-16:30, 1C-03 - Tomislav Pazur

    Implicit Runge-Kutta schemes and discontinuous Galerkin method for first order PDE systems

  • Monday, 03.12, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Christian Lubich (Uni Tübingen)

    Numerically stable coupling of interior and exterior problems for the wave equation

  • Monday, 19.11, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Bernhard Barth

    Periodic Operators on Banach Spaces

  • Monday, 12.11, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Christian Wieners

    Robust Approximation for the Helmholtz Problem

  • Monday, 05.11, 15:45-17:15, 1C-04 - Tobias Jahnke and Roland Schnaubelt

    Convergence of the ADI splitting for Maxwell's equations

  • Monday, 22.10, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Dhia Mansour(Uni Tübingen)

    Full discretization of linear wave equations on evolving surfaces (Abstract)


Summer term 2012

  • Monday, 16.07, 15:45-16:30, 1C-03 - Lizzy Blank

    Shocks and Hugoniot-Locus for Nonlinear Maxwell's equations

  • Monday, 09.07, 15:45-17:15, 1C-03 - Mike Botchev (Univ. Twente)

    On efficient solution of large initial value problems by block Krylov projections (Abstract)

  • Monday, 02.07, 15:45-16:30, 1C-03 - Branimir Anic

    Photonic Band Structure Calculations with Fourier Methods

  • Monday, 25.06, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Andrii Khrabustovskyi (NAS of Ukraine)

    Periodic differential operators with asymptotically preassigned spectrum (Abstract html,pdf)

  • Monday, 18.06, 15:45-16:30, 1C-03 - Anton Verbitsky

    Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation II

  • Monday, 07.05, 15:45-16:30, 1C-03 - Hans-Juergen Freisinger

    An Interface Problem for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (Abstract)

  • Wednesday, 02.05, 14:00-15:30, 1C-04 - Francesco Fanelli (Univ. Paris-Est)

    Second Order Strictly Hyperbolic Ooperators With Low Regularity Coefficients (Abstract)

  • Monday, 30.04, 16:30-17:15, 1C-03 - Bilal Haddou-Temsamani

    Multiscale Adaptive Pocessing

  • Monday, 23.04, 16:30-17:15, 1C-03 - Philipp Schmalkoke

    A Completeness Result for Nonlinear Bloch Waves of High-Frequency Non-Dispersive Photonic Crystals

  • Monday, 23.04, 15:45-16:30, 1C-03 - Hussain Anwar

    Eigenvalues for a scattering model


Winter term 2011/2012

  • Monday, 30.01, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Hannes Gerner

    Analysis and numerics of fully nonlinear Maxwell equations
  • Monday, 23.01, 15:45-17:15, 1C-04 - Michael Pokojovy (University of Constance)

    On Neumann boundary controllability for heat conducting Reissner-Mindlin plates (Abstract, pdf)
  • Monday, 16.01, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Markus Buerg

    A fully Automatic hp-Adaptive Refinement Strategy for Maxwell's Equations
  • Monday, 09.01, 15:45-17:15, 1C-04 - Prof. Dr. Cristian E. Gutiérrez, Temple University

    Surfaces refracting or reflecting radiation in a prescribed manner (Abstract, pdf)
  • Monday, 19.12, 17:00, 5C-01.1 - Santa Claus

    Christmas celebration
  • Monday, 19.12, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Julia Schweitzer

    Convergence of the exponential Rosenbrock-Euler method under weak regularity assumptions
  • Monday, 12.12, 16:30-17:15, 1C-04 - Dominik Mueller (University of Stuttgart)

    Grudzustandsenergie in einfachen Modellen der Quantenfeldtheorie
  • Monday, 12.12, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Rainer Mandel

    Existence of bound and ground states for some nonlinear Schrödinger system (Abstract)
  • Monday, 05.12, 16:30-17:15, 1C-04 - Vu Hoang

    Absence of bound states for waveguides in 2D periodic structures
  • Monday, 05.12, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Tomislav Pazur

    Discontinuous Galerkin scheme for Time-Dependent Maxwell Equations
  • Monday, 28.11, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Tomas Dohnal

    Asymptotics of Out-of-Plane Gap Solitons in 2D Photonic Crystals
  • Monday, 14.11, 16:30-17:15, 1C-04 - Christian Wieners

    Petrov-Galerkin Methods for the Helmholtz Problem
  • Monday, 14.11, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Andreas Schulz

    A finite volume scheme for Maxwell's equations
  • Monday, 31.10, 15:45-16:30, 1C-04 - Staffan Ronnas

    A Level Set Method for Two-Phase Flow Simulations (Abstract)
  • Monday, 24.10, 15:45-17:15, 1C-04 - Prof. Malte Peter (Universität Augsburg)

    Water-wave diffraction by vast fields of bodies and superlensing of surface gravity waves (Abstract)

Summer term 2011

  • Monday, 15.8, 11:00-12:30, 1C-04 - Faraz Toor

    Restarting Method for Matrix Function Operation with Sequential Processing of Multiple Right Hand Sides (Abstract pdf)
  • Monday, 11.7, 16:30-17:15, 1C-03 - Hans-Jürgen Freisinger

    Interface problems for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
  • Monday, 11.7, 15:45-16:30, 1C-03 - Ekkachai Thawinan

    The FVTD method for Maxwell's equations
  • Monday, 4.7, 15:45-16:15, 1C-03 - Philipp Schmalkoke

    First Results on a Periodic \lambda-nonlinear Maxwell Eigenvalue Problem
  • Monday, 4.7, 16:15-16:45, 1C-03 - Jiping Xin

    Boundary Element Approximation for Maxwell's Eigenvalue Problem
  • Monday, 4.7, 16:45-17:15, 1C-03 - Anton Verbitsky

    Discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation
  • Monday, 27.6, 16:30-17:15, 1C-03 - Haojun Li

    Numerical simulation of a micro-ring resonator with adaptive wavelet collocation method
  • Monday, 20.6, 16:30-17:15, 1C-03 - Bernhard Barth

    A Multiplier Theorem for the Bloch Transform
  • Monday, 20.6, 15:45-16:30, 1C-03 - Abdullah Demirel

    Exponential multistep methods and an application
  • Monday, 6.6, 15:45-16:45, 1C-03 - Roman Andreev (ETH Zürich)

    Sparse space-time finite element discretization of parabolic equations. (Abstract)
  • Monday, 30.5, 15:45-16:45, 1C-03 - Lizzy Blank

    Solution of the Riemann Problem for Kerr-Nonlinear Maxwell’s Equations.
  • Monday, 16.5, 15:45-16:45, 1C-03 - Prof. Dr. Wolf-Jürgen Beyn (Uni Bielefeld)

    Equivariant PDEs and the freezing method (Abstact html, pdf).
  • Tuesday, 12.4, 17:15-18:45, 1C-04 - Dominik Schötzau

    hp-adaptive DG methods; interior stabilization on anisotropic geometric meshes in polyhedral domains; a-priori and a-posteriori results; fully automated hp-adaptivity.
  • Thursday, 7.4, 16:00-17:30, 1C-04 - Zhen Gao

    Adaptive sparse grid algorithms with application to electromagnetic scattering under uncertainty.
  • Thursday, 7.4, 14:00-15:30, 1C-04 - Dominik Schötzau

    Mixed DG methods for Stokes, nearly incompressible elasticity and Maxwell's equation in mixed form; inf-sup stability; divergence-postprocessing; divergence-postprocessing and exactly divergence-free DG methods.
  • Thursday, 7.4, 11:15-12:45, 1C-04 - Dominik Schötzau

    DG methods for diffusion problems; interior penalty methods, local discontinuous Galerkin methods; unified a-priori and a-posteriori error analysis of DG methods.
  • Wednesday, 6.4, 14:00-15:30, 1C-04 - Dominik Schötzau

    Introduction DG; history of the development of DG methods, the original DG methods: time-stepping and advection-reaction.
  • Tuesday, 5.4, 11:30-12:30, 1C-04 - Serge Nicaise

    Stability and controllability of results for the heterogeneous Maxwell equations.
  • Monday, 4.4, 15:45-16:45, 1C-04 - Serge Nicaise

    Existence results for the heterogeneous Maxwell equations with different boundary conditions.


Winter term 2010/2011

  • Thursday, 3.3, 13:30 - 15:00, 1C-04 - Kurt Busch

    On Models and Methods in Nano-Photonics. (Abstract)
  • Tuesday, 22.2, 14:00 – 14:45, 1C-04 - Edwin Ding (University of Washington)

    Modeling High-Energy Temporal/Spatial Mode-Locking. (Abstract)
  • Monday, 7.2, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - M. Plum

    On the spectra of periodic differential operators.
  • Monday, 31.1, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - Katharina Schratz (University of Innsbruck)

    Lie splitting methods for inhomogeneous evolution equations. (Abstract)
  • Monday, 24.1, 15:45 - 17:15, 1C-04

    • M. Richter - Auchmuty's principle.
    • R. Mandel - Some further information about the Berestycki/Lions article.
  • Monday, 17.1, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - R. Mandel

    Literature talk about the article "Nonlinear Scalar Field Equations" (Berestycki/Lions).
  • Monday, 10.1, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - Julia Schweitzer

    Dynamical Low-Rank Approximation to the Solution of Wave Equations. (Abstract)
  • Monday, 13.12, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - Branimir Anic

    Approximation on Equidistant Grids.
  • Monday, 6.12, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - Vu Hoang

    Analysis of a semi-infinite Photonic Crystal Waveguide. (Abstract)


Summer term 2010

  • Monday, 12.7, 15:45 - 17:15, 1C-04

    • S. Ronnas - Adaptive Finite Elements in HiFlow3.
    • P. Schmalkoke - First Thoughts on a Periodic \lambda-nonlinear Maxwell Eigenvalue Problem.
  • Monday, 5.7, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - A. Bolleyer

    Strichartz Estimates for Perturbations of the Laplacian.
  • Monday, 28.6, 15:45 - 17:15, 1C-04

    • H.-J. Freisinger - Ground states for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with periodic coefficients.
    • W. Reichel - Surface Gap Solitons for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation.
  • Monday, 21.6, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - T. Dohnal

    Reversibility and Persistence in the Justification of Amplitude Equations for Gap Solitons.
  • Monday, 14.6, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - J. Xin

    Interface Eigenvalue Problem for Helmholtz equation.
  • Monday, 7.6, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - Prof. Dr. Ing. C. Koos

    Silicon Nanophotonics: Device Principles and Applications.
  • Monday, 31.5, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - R. Mandel

    Stationary Solutions of the Coupled Mode Equations.
  • Monday, 17.5, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - H. Li

    Numerical solutions to the Maxwell's equations in the time domain with the Adaptive Wavelet Collocation Method.
  • Monday, 26.4, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - Dr. K. Hiremath

    Simulation of light propagation in slot microresonators.


Winter term 2009/2010

  • Monday, 1.2, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - Christian Engstroem

    Analytical and numerical properties of the spectrum of a holomorphic operator-valued function with applications to wave propagation in absorptive photonic crystals. (Abstract)
  • Monday, 25.1, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - Dr. G. Unger (Graz University of Technology)

    Analysis of boundary element methods for Laplacian eigenvalue problems. (Abstract)
  • Monday, 9.11, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - Lizzy Blank

    Construction and Stability of Surface Gap Solitons.
  • Monday, 2.11, 15:45 - 16:45, 1C-04 - Maria Radosz

    Limiting absorption Principle for periodic differential equations. (Abstract)