Since April 2020 I no longer work at the Institute for Analysis. More information can be found on my personal homepage.
- Andreas Geyer-Schulz: Maxwell–Schrödinger System: Well-Posedness and Standing Waves, PhD thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2019.
Public outreach
- Andreas Geyer-Schulz: Was machen eigentlich Mathematiker?, contribution to the Scienceblog competition, 2016.
- 18.02.2020, On global well-posedness of the Maxwell–Schrödinger system, TULKKA, Konstanz.
- 19.11.2019, On global well-posedness of the Maxwell–Schrödinger system, Oberseminar Funktionalanalysis, Karlsruhe.
- 09.10.2019, Maxwell-Schrödinger system: well-posedness and standing waves, PhD colloquium, Karlsruhe.
- 09.04.2019, On the Maxwell–Schrödinger system, iRTG workshop, Karlsruhe.
- 13.07.2017, On well-posedness of Maxwell-Schrödinger systems, CRC seminar, Karlsruhe.
- 15.09.2016, Minimizing L²-norm with prescribed eigenvalue, CRC summer school, Karlsruhe.
- 01.06.2015, Adapted function spaces, spaces of bounded variation and applications, RTG seminar, Karlsruhe.
- 26.08.2014, Strichartz and dispersive estimates, RTG short course, Bad Herrenalb.
- 28.07.2014, Eigenvalue inequalities in terms of Schatten norm bounds on differences of semigroups and an application to Schrödinger operators, Workshop of the 17th ISEM, Blaubeuren.
- 22.04.2014, Eine invariante Mannigfaltigkeit für eine kritische nichtlineare Schrödingergleichung, Oberseminar Funktionalanalysis, Karlsruhe.
- 13.07.2013, Minimal smoothness assumptions on the nonlinearity for local wellposedness of semilinear Schrödinger equations, Workshop of the 16th ISEM, Blaubeuren.
- 04.06.2012, Nonautonomous equations and evolution families, Workshop of the 15th ISEM, Blaubeuren.
Happy π-day 2020!
The other contributions to the first pi-baking competition can be seen on this page.