Webrelaunch 2020

Lie-Gruppen und Lie-Algebren (Winter Semester 2018/19)

Lecture: Wednesday 9:45-11:15 SR 2.058 Begin: 17.10.2018
Thursday 8:00-9:30 SR 2.058
Problem class: Friday 11:30-13:00 SR 3.061 Begin: 26.10.2018
Lecturer Prof. Dr. Enrico Leuzinger
Office hours:
by appointment
Room 1.013 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: Enrico.Leuzinger@kit.edu
Problem classes Dr. Sebastian Plenz
Office hours: by appointment
Room 1.018
Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: sebastian.plenz@kit.edu

Exercise Sheets
Due to an illness, the exercise class on January 25th will not take place. Please excuse the late information. The exercise sheet will be discussed in the following week.

The exercise sheets will be uploaded latest on fridays. The week after, they will be discussed in the exercise class. Handing in of solved exercise sheets is not intended.

1. Exercise Sheet
2. Exercise Sheet
3. Exercise Sheet
4. Exercise Sheet
5. Exercise Sheet
6. Exercise Sheet
7. Exercise Sheet
8. Exercise Sheet
9. Exercise Sheet
10. Exercise Sheet
11. Exercise Sheet
12. Exercise Sheet
13. Exercise Sheet


For registration for the exam, you have to sign in online in your corresponding system (CAMPUS or QISPOS) and make an appointment for the oral exam.

The exam is an oral exam. Prospectively there will be a list of possible dates at the office of Mrs. Fehrle at the end of the semester. Alternatively you can make an appointment for the oral exam directly with the lecturer.

This is via the system you are administered (HIS, PNR 179 or CAS, PNR 7700008, T-MATH-108799) in the period from 01.10.2018 to 31.03.2019. If you can not register online, you need to get a permission from the student office ("blue sheet") and hand it over to the office of Mrs. Fehrle.

If you want to unregister from the exam, please contact Mrs. Fehrle.


Reference list