Webrelaunch 2020

GCD Seminar

This is the webpage of the GCD Seminar on Finiteness properties in the Wintersemester 2021/22.

Organisers: Tobias Hartnick, Claudio Llosa, Roman Sauer and Stefan Witzel (Gießen)

The seminar will take place biweekly on Tuesdays at 14:00 in the seminar room 20.30 SR1.067 of the Mathematical Faculty of the KIT.

A participation via Zoom will also be possible. If you would like to obtain the Zoomlink please contact Claudio Llosa.

26.10.G-CW complexes (constructions) and existence of classifying spacesStefan Witzel
09.11.The properties F, FP, F_n, FP_n and connections (also f.g. and f.p)Claudio Llosa
23.11.The Bieri--Eckmann criterionDaniel Roca Gonzalez
07.12.Brown’s criterion (topological proof)Lovis Kirschner
21.12.Coarse spaces, coarse Lipschitz maps and coarse equivalencesTobias Hartnick
18.01.Bestvina-Brady Morse theoryJeronimo Garcia Mejia
01.02.Thompson’s group FLaura Bonn

If there are notes for a talk, then you can find them by clicking onto the title of the talk.

This terms seminar will be followed by a small workshop on finiteness properties. It will take place in Karlsruhe, from 23 to 25 February 2022, and it will be organised in the style of a winter school.

Past events
In the Sommersemester 2021 the GCD seminar was about "Algebraic and analytic properties of group rings". It took place every Thursday at 15:45.