Webrelaunch 2020


Karlsruhe, February 15-19, 2016.


Home -- Registration -- Travel -- Program -- Further Information -- Contact

We are sorry but registration closed Monday November 30th.

Waiting list

You may still register for the waiting list.

If spots free up we will continue to fill up the registration according to the order on the waiting list. Please understand that we are not able to email you about your current position on this list but will only inform you once you could participate.

Click here to proceed to the registration form.

On the form we ask you to upload a research statement.
Please keep your statement short (at most one page including references) and prepare it using our Latex-template, which you can download here. Please name the tex-file you upload as follows: surname.firstname.tex

We will use your statement to compile a booklet for the conference much like last year.

The conference will start Monday Feb. 15th at 9am and finish around lunchtime (probably 12:30) on Friday Feb 19th.

After submitting the form you will recieve an automatically generated response that your form was successfully submitted.
This does not mean that you're registered for the conference but only for the waiting list.
In case you may participate you will be contacted by us directly.