Literature on origamis/square tiled surfaces
This page intends to collect literature about origamis/square tiled surfaces. If you know some further references that would fit into it, please let us know.
(Please email to Gabriela Schmithüsen:
Literature about origamis/square tiled surfaces:
- O. Bauer: Stabile Reduktion und Origamis. Diploma thesis 2005.
- A. Eskin, A. Okounkov: Asymptotics of numbers of branched coverings of a torus and volumes of moduli spaces of holomorphic differentials. Invent. Math. 145 (2001), no. 1, 59--103.
- F. Herrlich, A. Kappes, G. Schmithüsen: An origami of genus 2 with a translation. Preprint (2008)
- F. Herrlich, G. Schmithüsen: A comb of origami curves in the moduli space M_3 with three dimensional closure. Geometriae dedicata 124, 69 -- 94 (2007).
- F. Herrlich, G. Schmithüsen: An extraordinary origami curve. Mathematische Nachrichten 281, No. 2, 219 -- 237 (2008).
- P. Hubert, S. Lelièvre: Noncongruence subgroups in H(2). International Mathematics Research Notices 2005:1 (2005), 47-64.
- P. Hubert, S. Lelièvre: Prime arithmetic Teichmüller discs in H(2). Israel Journal of Mathematics 151 (2006), 281-321.
- A. Kappes: On the equation of an origami of genus two with two cusps. Diploma thesis 2007.
- S. Lelièvre, R. Silhol: Multi-geodesic tessellations, fractional Dehn twists and uniformization. Preprint (2007).
- P. Lochak: On arithmetic curves in the moduli spaces of curves. J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 4, No. 3, 443-508 (2005).
- M. Maier: Schnittpunkte von stabilen Kurven, die als Randpunkte von Origamikurven vorkommen. Diploma thesis.
- M. Möller: Teichmueller curves, Galois actions and GT-relations. Math. Nachrichten 278 No. 9 (2005).
- G. Schmithüsen: Origamis with non congruence Veech groups. In Proceedings of Symposium on Transformation Groups, Yokohama, November 2006
- G. Schmithüsen: Examples of origamis. Proceedings of the III Iberoamerican Congress on Geometry. In: The Geometry of Riemann Surfaces and Abelian Varieties. Contemp. Math. 397, 2006 (p. 193 206).
- G. Schmithüsen: Veech Groups of Origamis. PhD thesis Karlsruhe 2005.
- G. Schmithüsen: An algorithm for finding the Veech group of an origami. Experimental Mathematics 13, No.4, 459-472 (2004).
A wiki with exciting examples for translation surfaces was created by Thierry Monteil with his Wild Translation Surfaces Project.