Webrelaunch 2020

AG Langlands Program

Working Group Langlands-Program

This working group will be concerned with the Langlands program. It will take place from 13th to 15th December at Jugendburg Rotenberg. There will also be preparatory talks each Friday, 11:30 - 13:00, in room 1C-03 of the math building in Karlsruhe. There is a program both for the working group and the preparatory talks.

We have funding available for the weekend in Rotenberg but we cannot cover travel expenses.

There is a preliminary schedule. If you want to give a talk or want to join us as a mere listener, please feel free to contact one of us.

In case of questions, feel free to contact one of the organizers, that is, one of Tobias, Fabian, Florian or Michael.
