Prof. Dr. Frank Herrlich
nach Vereinbarung (am besten per E-Mail)
Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
0721 608 43194
0721 608 44244
Teichmüllerkurven, Origamis, Rand des Schottky-Raums, Mumfordkurven.
- (mit Tobias Columbus, Björn Mützel und Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen) Systolic Geometry of Translation Surfaces. Experimental Mathematics 33 (2024), pp.357-378 (arxiv).
- (mit Anja Randecker) Notes on the Veech group of the Chamanara surface. Preprint 2016 (arxiv).
- p-adic origamis. Contemporary Mathematics 629 (2014), 225-243. (pdf-file).
- Schottky Space and Teichmüller Disks. Handbook of Group Actions, vol. II (eds. L. Ji, A. Papadopoulos, S.-T. Yau), Higher Education Press 2015, pp. 289-308. (pdf-file).
- Introduction to Origamis in Teichmüller Space. Strasbourg Master Class on Geometry (ed. A. Papadopoulos), EMS 2012, pp. 233-253. (pdf-file).
- (mit Gabriela Schmithüsen) Dessins d'enfants and origami curves. Handbook of Teichmüller Theory, Vol. II (ed. A. Papadopoulos) EMS 2009, pp. 767-809.
- A comb of origami curves in
. In: Proceedings of Symposium on Transformation Groups, Yokohama, November 2006, pp. 56-67. (pdf-file)
- (mit Gabriela Schmithüsen) A comb of origami curves in the moduli space
with three dimensional closure. Geometriae Dedicata 124 (2007), 69-94 .
- (mit Gabriela Schmithüsen) On the boundary of Teichmüller disks in Teichmüller and in Schottky space. Handbook of Teichmüller Theory, Vol. I (ed. A. Papadopoulos) EMS 2007, pp. 293-349.
- (mit Gabriela Schmithüsen) An extraordinary origami curve. Mathematische Nachrichten 281, No.2 (2008), 219-237.(pdf-file)
- Teichmüller curves defined by characteristic origamis. Contemporary Mathematics 397 (2006), 133 - 144.(pdf-file)
- (mit Horst Hammer) A remark on the moduli field of a curve. Arch. Math. 81 (2003), 5 - 10.