Webrelaunch 2020

"Schnupperkurs" on knot theory

Here you find more information concerning the "Schnupperkurs for interested pupils" on knot theory, which took place in summer 2007. The course was organized by André Kappes and Florian Nisbach.

Announcement of the course

Announcement of the course (in german): announcement (pdf-file)

Problem sheets

Problem sheets for the course (in german):
Problem sheet 1
Problem sheet 2
Problem sheet 3
Problem sheet 4 - Solution to Problem 2, Sheet 4


The Flächensätze.pdf|classification theorems for surfaces from session 4.

The Prime Decomposition Theorem for knots, together with a relatively self-contained proof (in german): primzerlegung.pdf

An introduction to the Jones polynomial (in german): jonespolynom.pdf

Bibliography on knot theory

  • Charles Livingston, "Knotentheorie für Einsteiger", Vieweg-Verlag, 1995
  • Colin C. Adams, "Das Knotenbuch - Einführung in die mathematische Theorie der Knoten", Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 1995


Here are a few photographs from one of the first sessions, which Thomas Wilging has taken
