Webrelaunch 2020


Group theory with Rubik's cube


The "Schnupperkurs" is a program offered by the Department of Mathematics for students from high school. The subject of the course this summer will be "Rubik's cube" and the mathematics that it hides.
Here you may find more information (in German) on the topic of the Schnupperkurs 2006.

klein-muster-m1-100.jpg klein-muster-m22a-100.jpg klein-muster-df1b-100.jpg klein.jpg

Problem sheets (sorry, only in German)

First session:Problems as pdf/ps
Second session:Problems as pdf/ps and Solutions as pdf/ps
Third session:Problems as pdf/ps and Solutions as pdf/ps
Fourth session:Problems as pdf/ps and Solutions as pdf/ps
Fith session:Problems as pdf/ps and Solutions as pdf/ps
Sixth session:Problems as pdf/ps and Solutions as pdf/ps

Here you find all exercises in one file: as ps-file/ as pdf-file and Solutions as pdf/ps

Materials that we used

Numbering for the faces, edges and vertices of the cube that we used: PS file/ PDF file
Markings that we used in order to determine the flips (construction plan for a sample cube): PS file/PDF file


Schnupperkurs last year

Here you can find more about the Schnupperkurs 2005.