Webrelaunch 2020

Advanced Mathematics II (Sommersemester 2019)

The next AM2 exam will take place on April 4 2020, 8-10AM

Vorlesung: Mittwoch 9:45-11:15 ID SR Raum 203
Montag 9:45-11:15 ID SR Raum 203
Übung: Dienstag 9:45-11:15 ID SR Raum 203
Montag ## Zeit ##
Montag ## Zeit ##
Dozentin, Übungsleiterin Prof. Dr. Maria Axenovich
Sprechstunde: Fr. 10:00-11:00
Zimmer 1.043 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: maria.aksenovich@kit.edu

Exercise Sheets

An exercise sheet will be published each week on this webpage.

Students should solve the problems and write down solutions independently and also should discuss the solutions in groups.

Only handwritten solutions will be accepted. Please do not use a pencil! The solutions will be corrected and graded by the tutors.

If you successfully work on the homework and pass the midterm test, a testat will be given to you at the end of the semester.