Graph Theory (Winter Semester 2015/16)
- Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Maria Axenovich
- Classes: Lecture (0104500), Problem class (0104510)
- Weekly hours: 4+2
Second Try Exam
The results are now posted on the pin board between room 1.043 and room 1.044.
The post exam review takes place on Tuesday, October 18 at 2pm in room 1.045.
Schedule | ||
Lecture: | Tuesday 11:30-13:00 | SR 1.066 / 1.067 |
Thursday 9:45-11:15 | SR 1.066 / 1.067 | |
Problem class: | Friday 8:00-9:30 | SR 1.066 / 1.067 |
Lecturers | ||
Lecturer | Prof. Dr. Maria Axenovich | |
Office hours: Fr. 10:00-11:00 | ||
Room 1.043 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30) | ||
Email: | Problem classes | Torsten Ueckerdt |
Office hours: | ||
Room Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30) | ||
Email: |
Course description
The course will be concerned with topics in classical and modern graph theory:
- Properties of trees, cycles, matching, factors
- Forbidden subgraphs
- Planar graphs
- Graph colorings
- Random graphs
- Ramsey theory
- Graph minors
The class is oriented towards problem solving. The goal of the course for
the students is to gain knowledge about the fundamental concepts in graph theory,
solve interesting problems, learn how to write and present the proofs creatively.
basic knowledge of linear algebra; appropriate for students starting from 5th semester
Problem sheets
- There will be a problem sheet every Tuesday (starting on October 20) with 4 problems for 5 points each.
- The problems are solved and solutions are submitted by individual students or pairs of students.
- Every submission shall contain the solution to at most three problems.
- When submitting in pairs, each student shall write at least one solution.
- Due date is Tuesday the following week at 2:00 pm.
- The problems can be submitted during the lecture or deposited in a box in the atrium of the math building.
There is the possibility to obtain a bonus by successfully working the exercise sheets.
In order to receive the bonus you need to obtain at least half of the total amount of points on the first 6 sheets, as well as on the second 6 sheets.
The bonus will improve the grade of a passed exam of this lecture at the end of the semester by one step (0.3 or 0.4).
Written exam
There will be a written exam at the end of semester on
Date: February 22, 2016
Place: Tulla HS and Fritz-Haller HS
Time: 13:00 -- 16:00
To register for the exam "Graph Theory" go to the student portal at
Registration opens at 10.1.2016.
Registration closes at 15.2.2016.
Day of exam
Each student reads up his seat and should be 10 minutes before the exam begins at his/her seat.
The final grade for the course is calculated based on the points achieved in the written exam.
The main source is the book Graph Theory by Reinhard Diestel. The English edition can be read for free on the author’s web site (
Additional literature
- D. West -- Introduction to graph theory
- B. Bollobas -- Modern graph theory
- A. Bondy and U.S.R. Murty -- Graph Theory
- L. Lovasz -- Combinatorial problems and exercises
- G. Chartrand, L. Lesniak and P. Zhang -- Graphs & Digraphs
Lecture notes
There are lecture notes containing all relevant definitions, notation and theorems from the lecture. However, they provide no proofs and only a few examples.
- lecture notes: (pdf)
- supplementary material for extremal functions: (pdf)
- supplementary material for hypergraph Ramsey: (pdf)
There are notes taken by a student during the winter term 2011/12 containing the proofs. The current version is not approved and claims neither completeness nor correctness.
- unrevised notes: (pdf)