Webrelaunch 2020

Seminar (Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics) (Sommersemester 2020)

Welcome to the Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics seminar! Due to the Corona pandemic, our tentative plan is for each of you to prepare a Beamer presentation on your assigned topic and live stream your talk via Microsoft Teams. Since you won't have the ability to write anything on a blackboard, you will have to make your slides more detailed than what would be expected in a typical conference-style presentation. Also, instead of holding questions until the end of the talk, we encourage individuals to ask questions during the talk. We shall still hold a round of constructive criticism at the very end. We will provide more detailed logistical information in due time.


We will have an organizational meeting next Wednesday (22.04) at 9:45 to access how well MS teams works. Please:

  • Register with MS teams (using your KIT email account).
  • Create a sample (1 slide) Beamer presentation to experiment with during the meeting.
Seminar: Mittwoch 9:45-11:15 SR -1.017 (UG)
Seminarleitung Prof. Dr. Maria Axenovich
Sprechstunde: Mon. 16:00-17:00
Zimmer 1.043 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: maria.aksenovich@kit.edu
Seminarleitung Dr. Richard Snyder
Zimmer 1.045 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: richard.snyder@kit.edu

Course Materials

  • The main notes for the course may be found here.
  • Some optional supplementary notes may be found here.
  • And here you can find some optional material on random graphs.
  • Here you can find a short tutorial on Beamer presentations, in case you are unfamiliar with them.


Current Schedule

  • 22.04 --- Logistical meeting via Microsoft Teams (no talk).
  • 29.04 --- Introduction to Probabilistic Methods (chapters 2 and 3) --- Richard.
  • 06.05 --- Alterations and Dependent random choice (chapters 4 and 5) --- Laurin.
  • 13.05 --- The second moment method (chapter 6) --- Paul.
  • 20.05 --- The hamiltonicity threshold (chapter 7) --- Miriam.
  • 27.05 --- Strong concentration/Chernoff (chapter 8) --- Arsjola.
  • 03.06 --- The Lovasz Local Lemma (chapter 9) --- Karolina.
  • 10.06 --- Martingales and strong concentration (chapter 10) --- Marius.
  • 17.06 --- Talagrand's inequality (chapter 11) --- Saima.
  • 24.06 --- Entropy (chapter 12) --- Lea.