Webrelaunch 2020

Algebraic Topology II (Winter Semester 2016/17)

Lecture course with exercise session. The weekly homework is due on Wednesdays and can be handed in after the lecture.
The homework sets will be published on the ILIAS course webpage.

Lecture: Monday 11:30-13:00 SR 3.068 Begin: 17.10.2016
Wednesday 11:30-13:00 SR 3.061
Problem class: Thursday 14:00-15:30 SR 3.069 Begin: 20.10.2016
Lecturer Dr. Caterina Campagnolo
Office hours:
by appointment
Room 1.033
Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: caterina.campagnolo@kit.edu
Problem classes Dr. Sabine Braun
Office hours:
by appointment
Room 1.015
Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: sabine.braun@kit.edu

This lecture is the natural continuation of Algebraic Topology I and will build on the notions acquired there.

After a last result on CW-complexes we will introduce Euler characteristic and homological algebra. Next will come cohomology and the various product structures that it carries, followed by chapters on vector bundles and manifolds. At the end of the lecture we will discuss duality results between homology and cohomology, in particular Poincaré duality.