Webrelaunch 2020
Foto von Marvin Raimund Schulz

M.Sc. Marvin Raimund Schulz

My research focuses on the rigorous mathematical analysis of many-body systems in quan-
tum mechanics. Due to the nature of the models I study, my interests often intersect with
other disciplines in mathematics and physics, including functional analysis, spectral theory,
calculus of variations, partial differential equations, and many-body quantum mechanics.
For my Ph.D. thesis, which will be submitted at the beginning of next year, I have worked on
the Ionization Conjecture for atomic systems, where I established new bounds on the maximal
excess charge [1]. In parallel, I have explored the existence and absence of the Efimov effect in
various configurations of constrained quantum particles (for example in [2]).

For more information please see my more detailed Research Statement and my CV.

Manuscripts in work:
[1] On The Excess Charge Problem of Atoms
[2] Three-Body Quantum Systems on Separate Lines: Disproving the Confinement Induced Efimov Effect.
[3] Groundstate Energy Of a Particle Interacting with Two Separated Short-Range Potentials in Dimension Four.
[4] Absence of the Efimov Effect for three (Unconfined) Particles in Dimension Four.
[5] Existence of the Confined Efimov Effect for systems of two two-dimensional particles interacting with a third (un)-confined particle.

Preprint: CRC 1173 Preprint
[6] Absence of the Efimov effect for a system of confined particles

Publications: Written and Co-Authored as a Student (Physics)
[Phys: 1] Analytical Solution of a Gas Release Problem considering Permeation with Time-Dependent Boundary Conditions
[Phys: 2] Numerical Analysis of an Isovolumetric Thermal Desorption Experiment

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