Webrelaunch 2020

AG Nichtlineare Partielle Differentialgleichungen (Winter Semester 2021/22)

Our seminar takes place every Tuesday at 14:00 in the seminar room 3.068, building 20.30.

In this semester, the seminar will be mainly in person. For guests outside KIT, the seminar will take place via Zoom. There is also the possibility of organizing the seminar in a hybrid form for some slots, under request from the group members who can't attend in person.
For further information please contact Fatima Goffi.

In general each talk will take 60 minutes, including a ten-minute question session.

Time plan of talks:

22.10.2021 - Kevin Drescher (Doctoral researcher @ KIT)
Computer-assisted existence proofs for nonlinear 2nd order elliptic boundary value problems in divergence form - Abstract

26.10.2021 - Airi Takeuchi (Doctoral researcher @ KIT)
Conformal transformations on integrable mechanical billiards - Abstract

02.11.2021 - Online Seminar - Prof. Vitaly Moroz (@ Swansea University, UK)
Asymptotic profiles of groundstates for a class of Choquard equations - Abstract

09.11.2021 - Niklas Knobel (Doctoral researcher @ KIT)
Infinite energy solutions for dissipative active scalar equations - Abstract

16.11.2021 - Sebastian Ohrem (Doctoral researcher @ KIT)
Well-posedness for a (1+1)-dimensional quasilinear wave equation - Abstract

23.11.2021 - Julia Henninger (Doctoral researcher @ KIT)
Time-periodic solutions of a semilinear wave equation by a direct and a dual approach - Abstract

30.11.2021 - Zihui He (Doctoral researcher @ KIT)
Two-dimensional Boussinesq equations in general Sobolev spaces - Abstract

07.12.2021 - Online Seminar - Dr. Marco Olivieri (Postdoc @ Aarhus University)
Scattering Theory for Scalar Quantum Fields in Semiclassical Regime - Abstract

14.12.2021 - Dr. Lucrezia Cossetti (Postdoc @ KIT)
Eigenvalue bounds and spectral stability of Lamé operator with complex potential - Abstract

21.12.2021 - Dr. Zoïs Moitier (Postdoc @ KIT)
Nonlinear Helmholtz equations with sign-changing diffusion coefficient - Abstract

24.12.2021 - 06.01.2022 - Free weeks

11.01.2022 - PD Dr. Lei Zhao (Emmy Noether Junior Research Group Leader @ Augsburg University)
Conformal Correspondence of Classical and Quantum Mechanical Systems - Abstract

18.01.2022 - Elias Gasmi (Doctoral researcher @ KIT)
Frequency combs in a ring resonator with two pumped modes - Abstract

25.01.2022 - Online Seminar - Dr. Fatima Goffi (Postdoc @ KIT)
The mechanical impedance of a thin linear elastic slab - Abstract

01.02.2022 - Online Seminar - Prof. Alessia Nota (Tenure-Track Assistant Professor @ Università degli Studi dell'Aquila)
Homoenergetic solutions of the Boltzmann equation - Abstract

08.02.2022 - Online Seminar - Dr. Wang Yuchen (Postdoc @ Central China Normal University, China)
On the concentrated vorticity in the incompressible Euler equation and related models - Abstract

Seminar: Tuesday 14:00-15:30 SR 3.068
Lecturer Dr. Fatima Z. Goffi
Office hours: By appointment
Room 3.037 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: fatima.goffi@kit.edu