Webrelaunch 2020

AG Nichtlineare Partielle Differentialgleichungen (Summer Semester 2024)

Our seminar takes place every Wednesday at 11:30 in Room SR3.069.

In this semester, the seminar will be mainly in person. For guests outside KIT, the seminar will take place via Zoom. There is also the possibility of organizing the seminar in a hybrid form for some slots, under request from the group members who can't attend in person.
For further information please contact Robert Wegner.

In general, each talk will take 60 minutes, including a ten-minute question session.

Time plan of talks:

10.04.24 at 9:45 - Filippo Giuliani (Assistant Professor @ Politecnico di Milano)
Sobolev instability for the cubic NLS on irrational tori - Abstract

17.04.24 - Lorenzo Pompili (Doctoral Researcher @ University of Bonn)
On the Bäcklund transform and the stability of the line soliton of the KP-II equation on R^2 - Abstract

24.04.24 - Ludovic Godard-Cadillac (Associate Professor @ Bordeaux INP)
Hölder regularity for collapses of point-vortices - Abstract

01.05.24 - no talk

08.05.24 - Frédéric Charve (Professor @ Université Paris-Est - Créteil Val-de-Marne)
Hidden asymptotics for the weak solutions of the strongly stratified Boussinesq system without rotation - Abstract

15.05.24 - two talks:
11:30-12:15 - Leonie Langer (Doctoral Researcher @ University of Ulm)
Evolving heterogeneous elastic wires - Abstract
12:15-13:00 - Matthias Sroczinski (Postdoctoral Researcher @ University of Konstanz)
Global existence and decay of small solutions for quasi-linear second-order uniformly dissipative hyperbolic-hyperbolic systems - Abstract

22.05.24 - no talk

29.05.24 - Antonio Tribuzio (Postdoctoral Researcher @ University of Bonn)
Energy barriers for boundary nucleation in a two-well model - Abstract

05.06.24 - Anthony Salib (Doctoral Researcher @ University of Duisburg-Essen)
Classification of global solutions to the obstacle problem - Abstract

12.06.24 - David Buchberger (Doctoral Researcher @ University of Augsburg)
Convergence of equilibria of thin elastic plates in a discrete model - The von Kármán case - Abstract

19.06.24 - Guillaume Ferriere (Research Associate @ Inria Lille)
On the (in)stability of several structures for the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation on a nanowire - Abstract

26.06.24 - Franz Gmeineder (Professor @ University of Konstanz)
Extensions and differential constraints - Abstract

03.07.24 - Kaori Nagato-Plum (Lecturer @ KIT)
Non-selfadjoint spectral problems related to self-similar blowup in nonlinear wave equations - Abstract

10.07.24 - Jonas Hirsch (Professor @ University of Leipzig)
Two dimensional very weak solutions to the Monge-Ampère equation in C^{1,1/3-} - Abstract

17.07.24 - Montie Avery (Postdoctoral Researcher @ Boston University)
Pattern selection via marginal stability of pushed fronts in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system - Abstract

24.07.24 - Patrick Brkic (Doctoral Researcher @ University of Ulm)
Wild weak solutions of the 3D axisymmetric Euler equations - Abstract

Seminar: Wednesday 11:30-13:00 20.30 SR 3.069
Lecturer M. Sc. Robert Wegner
Office hours: on Appointment
Room 3.028 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: robert.wegner@kit.edu