Webrelaunch 2020

AG Nichtlineare Partielle Differentialgleichungen (Summer Semester 2022)

Our seminar takes place every Tuesday at 14:00 in the seminar room 3.061, building 20.30.

In this semester, the seminar will be mainly in person. For guests outside KIT, the seminar will take place via Zoom. There is also the possibility of organizing the seminar in a hybrid form for some slots, under request from the group members who can't attend in person.
For further information please contact Fatima Goffi or Julia Henninger.

In general each talk will take 60 minutes, including a ten-minute question session.

Time plan of talks:

19.04.2022 - Dr. Francesco Fanelli (Maître de Conférences @ U. Lyon 1)
Well and ill-posedness issues for some models of turbulence - Abstract

26.04.2022 - Friedrich Klaus (Doctoral researcher @ KIT)
Well-posedness of NLS in Modulation Spaces - Abstrakt

03.05.2022 - Gael Diebou (Doctoral researcher @ U. Bonn)
Well-posedness theory for the weakly harmonic maps problem subject
to irregular data
- Abstrakt

10.05.2022 - Dr. Olli Saari (Post-doc @ U. Bonn)
A right inverse of the divergence in time-dependent non-cylindrical domains - Abstrakt

17.05.2022 - JProf. Christina Lienstromberg (JProf. @ U. Stuttgart)
Long-time behaviour of solutions to non-Newtonian
thin-film equations
- Abstrakt

24.05.2022 - Dr. Jia-Yuan Dai (Assistant Professor @ National Chung Hsing University)
Pattern-Selective Feedback Stabilization of Ginzburg-Landau Spiral Waves - Abstrakt

31.05.2022 - Associate Professor Xuefeng Liu (Associate Professor @ Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University)
Rigorous eigenvalue bounds of differential operators using finite element methods and their application - Abstrakt

07.06.2022 - Lectures Free

14.06.2022 - Mia Jukic (Doctoral researcher @ Leiden University)
Pinning and propagation reversal on infinite k-ary trees - Abstrakt

21.06.2022 - Paul Blochas (Doctoral researcher @ U. Rennes I)
Uniform asymptotic stability for convection-reaction-diffusion equations in the inviscid limit towards Riemann shocks - Abstract

28.06.2022 - Dr. Björn de Rijk (Junior research group leader @ KIT) - Abstract
Nonlinear stability and asymptotic behavior of periodic wave trains in reaction-diffusion systems against C^2_ub-perturbations

05.07.2022 - Joel Kübler (Doctoral researcher @ Goethe Universität Frankfurt a. M.)
Symmetry breaking for rotating waves in elliptic and elliptic-hyperbolic settings - Abstract

12.07.2022 - Online - Dr. Florian Feppon (Post-doctoral researcher @ ETH Zürich)
Signal amplification and compression in ultra fast time modulated metamaterials due to a space-time resonant coupling - Abstract

19.07.2022 - Dr. Illia Karabash (Senior researcher @ U. Bonn)
The description of m-dissipative boundary conditions for Maxwell operators and applications - Abstract

26.07.2022 - Dr. Dongxiao Yu (Postdoc @ U. Bonn)
Nontrivial global solutions to some quasilinear wave equations in three space dimensions - Abstract

Seminar: Tuesday 14:00-15:30 SR 3.068
Lecturer Dr. Fatima Z. Goffi
Office hours: By appointment
Room 3.037 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: fatima.goffi@kit.edu