The group of people working with me consists of
Doctoral students (current)
- MSc. Lukas Bengel (since 01/2022)
- MSc. Julia Henninger (since 10/2021)
- MSc. Sebastian Ohrem (since 10/2020)
Completed doctoral theses
- Dr. Elias Gasmi (Viva November 16, 2022)
- Dr. Simon Kohler (Viva June 23, 2021)
Variational techniques for breathers in nonlinear wave equations
- Dr. Janina Gärtner (Viva February 20, 2019)
Continuation and Bifurcation of Frequency Combs Modeled by the Lugiato-Lefever Equation
- Dr. Carlos Hauser (Viva February 20, 2019)
- Dr. Piotr Idzik (Viva September 20, 2017)
- Dr. Andreas Hirsch (Viva June 7, 2017)
Mono- and polychromatic ground states for semilinear curl-curl wave equations
- Dr. Anton Verbitsky (Viva June 25, 2014)
- Dr. Hans-Jürgen Freisinger (Viva June 26, 2013)
Interface problems for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
- Dr. Rainer Mandel (Viva January 23, 2013)
Ground states, bifurcations and singular solutions of nonlinear Schrödinger systems
Completed diploma/master theses
- 29) Sofian Rajab (finished 05/22)
"Nonlinear vibrations in an elastic beam"
- 28) Lukas Bengel (finished 11/2021)
"A Mean Field Game for the Investigation of the Contact Behaviour during the Covid-19-Pandemic"
- 27) Julia Henninger (fiished 08/2021)
"Time-periodic solutions for a semilinear wave equation by a direct and a dual approach"
- 26) Sebastian Ohrem (finished 07/2022)
"A wave-guide problem for the fractinal Laplace Operator"
- 25) Elias Gasmi (finished 04/2018)
"Band strcutre for periodic fractional Schrödinger operators and applications to nonlinear ground states"
- 24) Julian Knobloch (finished 02/2018)
"Solutions for k-Hessian equations with boundary blow-up"
- 23) Julian Pommerening (finished 11/2017)
"Ground states for nonlinear fractional Schrödinger equations"
- 22) Anfata Merepeza (finished 10/2017)
"Explicit solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation"
- 21) Simon Kohler (finished 09/2017)
"A periodic, third-order Schrödinger operator with δ-potential and a non-linear existence result for ground states"
- 20) Jörn Brett (finished 06/2017)
"Standing waves in a nonlinear suspension bridge equation"
- 19) Dominik Scheider (finished 12/2016)
"Ground States for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Delta Potentials"
- 18) Nicole Vöhringer (finished 06/2014)
"Symmety of solutions for systems of semilinear elliptic boundary value problems of higher order"
- 17) Andreas Hirsch (finished 04/2013)
"Ground states for the NLS and the curl-curl equation"
- 16) Kathrin Wolpensinger (finished 03/2014)
"Existence of timeperiodic solutions of a semilinar wave equation"
- 15) Georgi Mitzov (finished 02/2014)
"Nonlinear curl-curl problem"
- 14) Janina Dürrschnabel (now Gärtner) (finished 09/2013)
"Existence of solutions of variational problems -- the Brachistochrone as an example"
- 13) Karin Meyer (finished 09/2013)
"A characterization of balls in hyperbolic space"
- 12) Carlos Hauser (finished 07/2013)
"Existence of multiple solutions for semilinaer elliptic boundary value problems"
- 11) Marc Teschner (finished 02/2013)
"Examples of interface models for the 1-dimensional linear and nonlinear Schrödinger equation"
- 10) Max Grüner (finished 10/2012)
"Turing instability and pattern formation in reaction-diffusion equations"
- 9) Christian Kirschfeld (finished 03/2012)
"Travelling waves for a fourth order partial differential equation"
- 8) Jelena Patarcic (finished 11/2011)
"Concavity properties of solutions of a class of singular nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems"
- 7) Silvana Avramska (finished 11/2011)
"Ground state solution of the generalized Schrödinger-Poisson system"
- 6) Benjamin Vosseler (finished 04/2011)
"Existence and symmetry-breaking for ground states of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation"
- 5) Isabelle Lauckner (finished 06/2010)
"A two-dimensional model for the deformation of an elastic band by spherical weights"
- 4) Marcel Schrumpf (finished 02/2010)
"Discrete Steiner-symmetrization and solutions of the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation"
- 3) Abu Nishanth Gudapati (finished 08/2009)
"Applications of the Moser-Trudinger inequality in geometry, physics and biology"
- 2) Hans-Jürgen Freisinger (finished 07/2009)
"Solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with periodic coefficients"
- 1) Rainer Mandel (finished 12/2008)
"Symmetry groups for classes of fully nonlinear differential equations and pseudo-differential equations"