Webrelaunch 2020


The group of people working with me consists of

Doctoral students (current)

MSc. Lukas Bengel (since 01/2022)
MSc. Julia Henninger (since 10/2021)
MSc. Sebastian Ohrem (since 10/2020)

Completed doctoral theses

Dr. Elias Gasmi (Viva November 16, 2022)

On the Lugiato-Lefever Model for Frequency Combs in a Dual-Pumped Ring Resonator with an Appendix on Band Structures for Periodic Fractional Schrödinger Operators

Dr. Simon Kohler (Viva June 23, 2021)

Variational techniques for breathers in nonlinear wave equations

Dr. Janina Gärtner (Viva February 20, 2019)

Continuation and Bifurcation of Frequency Combs Modeled by the Lugiato-Lefever Equation

Dr. Carlos Hauser (Viva February 20, 2019)

Existence Results and A Priori Bounds for Positive Solutions of Discrete Nonlinear Elliptic Equations

Dr. Piotr Idzik (Viva September 20, 2017)

Application of bifurcation theory for existence of travelling waves in examples of semilinear and quasilinear wave equations

Dr. Andreas Hirsch (Viva June 7, 2017)

Mono- and polychromatic ground states for semilinear curl-curl wave equations

Dr. Anton Verbitsky (Viva June 25, 2014)

Positive Solutions for the Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation: A Priori Estimates and Convergence

Dr. Hans-Jürgen Freisinger (Viva June 26, 2013)

Interface problems for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation

Dr. Rainer Mandel (Viva January 23, 2013)

Ground states, bifurcations and singular solutions of nonlinear Schrödinger systems

Completed diploma/master theses

29) Sofian Rajab (finished 05/22)

"Nonlinear vibrations in an elastic beam"

28) Lukas Bengel (finished 11/2021)

"A Mean Field Game for the Investigation of the Contact Behaviour during the Covid-19-Pandemic"

27) Julia Henninger (fiished 08/2021)

"Time-periodic solutions for a semilinear wave equation by a direct and a dual approach"

26) Sebastian Ohrem (finished 07/2022)

"A wave-guide problem for the fractinal Laplace Operator"

25) Elias Gasmi (finished 04/2018)

"Band strcutre for periodic fractional Schrödinger operators and applications to nonlinear ground states"

24) Julian Knobloch (finished 02/2018)

"Solutions for k-Hessian equations with boundary blow-up"

23) Julian Pommerening (finished 11/2017)

"Ground states for nonlinear fractional Schrödinger equations"

22) Anfata Merepeza (finished 10/2017)

"Explicit solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation"

21) Simon Kohler (finished 09/2017)

"A periodic, third-order Schrödinger operator with δ-potential and a non-linear existence result for ground states"

20) Jörn Brett (finished 06/2017)

"Standing waves in a nonlinear suspension bridge equation"

19) Dominik Scheider (finished 12/2016)

"Ground States for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Delta Potentials"

18) Nicole Vöhringer (finished 06/2014)

"Symmety of solutions for systems of semilinear elliptic boundary value problems of higher order"

17) Andreas Hirsch (finished 04/2013)

"Ground states for the NLS and the curl-curl equation"

16) Kathrin Wolpensinger (finished 03/2014)

"Existence of timeperiodic solutions of a semilinar wave equation"

15) Georgi Mitzov (finished 02/2014)

"Nonlinear curl-curl problem"

14) Janina Dürrschnabel (now Gärtner) (finished 09/2013)

"Existence of solutions of variational problems -- the Brachistochrone as an example"

13) Karin Meyer (finished 09/2013)

"A characterization of balls in hyperbolic space"

12) Carlos Hauser (finished 07/2013)

"Existence of multiple solutions for semilinaer elliptic boundary value problems"

11) Marc Teschner (finished 02/2013)

"Examples of interface models for the 1-dimensional linear and nonlinear Schrödinger equation"

10) Max Grüner (finished 10/2012)

"Turing instability and pattern formation in reaction-diffusion equations"

9) Christian Kirschfeld (finished 03/2012)

"Travelling waves for a fourth order partial differential equation"

8) Jelena Patarcic (finished 11/2011)

"Concavity properties of solutions of a class of singular nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems"

7) Silvana Avramska (finished 11/2011)

"Ground state solution of the generalized Schrödinger-Poisson system"

6) Benjamin Vosseler (finished 04/2011)

"Existence and symmetry-breaking for ground states of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation"

5) Isabelle Lauckner (finished 06/2010)

"A two-dimensional model for the deformation of an elastic band by spherical weights"

4) Marcel Schrumpf (finished 02/2010)

"Discrete Steiner-symmetrization and solutions of the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation"

3) Abu Nishanth Gudapati (finished 08/2009)

"Applications of the Moser-Trudinger inequality in geometry, physics and biology"

2) Hans-Jürgen Freisinger (finished 07/2009)

"Solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with periodic coefficients"

1) Rainer Mandel (finished 12/2008)

"Symmetry groups for classes of fully nonlinear differential equations and pseudo-differential equations"