Webrelaunch 2020


Vorträge (Auswahl)

9. Juni 2021, INdAM Workshop Nonlinear Phenomena: between ODEs and PDEs, Rome
Time-periodic solutions of semilinear wave equations

20. September 2018, 6th GAMM Workshop on Analysis of PDEs, Stuttgart
Real-valued time-periodic localized standing waves for a class of nonlinear wave equations

17. Mai 2017, WAVES, Minneapolis
Localized time-periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equations

22. Mai 2017, International Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems, Gaeta
Localized time-periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equations

2. Dezember 2016, Recent progress in PDEs, Marseille
Localized time-periodic solutions of nonlinear wave equations

23. Juni 2016, PDEs at the Grand Paradis, Cogne, Italy
A variational approach to real-valued breathers for a class of cubic nonlinear wave equations

14. September 2015, VII Symposium on Nonlinear Analysis, Torun, Poland
Standing waves for nonlinear curl-curl wave equations

9. Juli 2014, AIMS Madrid
Ground states of a nonlinear curl-curl problem

7. November 2011, Workshop on Nonlinear Differential Equations, Pienza
The Paneitz equation in hyperbolic space

28. Juni 2010, Graduiertenkolleg-Seminar
Surface Gap Solitons