Webrelaunch 2020



Winter 2024/2025
Advanced Methods in Nonlinear PDEs, KIT
Winter 2023/2024
Introduction to Dynamical Systems, KIT
Summer 2023
Outreach course ``Mathematik schlägt Wellen'', KIT
Winter 2022/2023
Traveling Waves, KIT
Summer 2021
Stability of Nonlinear Waves, University of Stuttgart
Winter 2020/2021
Höhere Mathematik III für Ingenieure, University of Stuttgart
Summer 2020
PDE2: Dynamics of Nonlinear Evolution Equations, TU München
Summer 2020
Stability of Nonlinear Waves, TU München
Winter 2019/2020
Analysis III, University of Stuttgart
Summer 2019
Höhere Mathematik II für phys, el, kyb, mecha, University of Stuttgart
Winter 2018/2019
Functional Analysis, University of Stuttgart
Summer 2018
Höhere Mathematik II für phys, el, kyb, mecha, University of Stuttgart
Winter 2017/2018
Höhere Mathematik I für phys, el, kyb, mecha, University of Stuttgart
Summer 2017
Mathematik II für Informatiker und Softwaretechniker, University of Stuttgart
Winter 2016/2017
Mathematik I für Informatiker und Softwaretechniker, University of Stuttgart
Fall 2015
Ordinary differential equations, Leiden University
Fall 2014
Ordinary differential equations, Leiden University
Fall 2013
Functional analysis, Dutch Mastermath Program
Spring 2013
Numeracy lab instructor, LUC The Hague
Fall 2012
Functional analysis, Dutch Mastermath Program

Summer schools

Spring 2024
EWM-EMS Summer School: Water Waves and Nonlinear Dispersive Equations, Mittag-Leffler Institute, Djursholm

Bachelor projects

Global existence and asymptotics in reaction-diffusion equations using L^1-L^infty estimates and renormalization, University of Stuttgart
Orthogonality and best approximation in Banach spaces, University of Stuttgart
The best approximation and complemented-subspace properties in Banach spaces, University of Stuttgart
Traveling wave solutions of reaction-diffusion equations in population dynamics, Leiden University