Webrelaunch 2020


Under review

J. Alexopoulos, B. de Rijk. Nonlinear stability of periodic wave trains in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system against fully nonlocalized perturbations, 2024. preprint
M. Avery, P. Carter, B. de Rijk, A. Scheel. Stability of coherent pattern formation through invasion in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system, 2023. preprint


M. Haragus, M.A. Johnson, W.R. Perkins, B. de Rijk. Nonlinear subharmonic dynamics of spectrally stable Lugiato-Lefever periodic waves, Comm. Math. Phys. 405:227 (2024). DOI | preprint
J. Lin, D.E. Pelinovsky, B. de Rijk. On the extinction of multiple shocks in scalar viscous conservation laws, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 23-3 (2024), pp. 2323-2363. DOI | preprint
B. de Rijk. Nonlinear stability and asymptotic behavior of periodic wave trains in reaction-diffusion systems against C_{ub}-perturbations, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 248:36 (2024). DOI | preprint
T. Haas, B. de Rijk, G. Schneider. Validity of Whitham's modulation equations for dissipative systems with a conservation law: phase dynamics in a generalized Ginzburg-Landau system, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 72-1 (2023), pp. 165-195. DOI | preprint
B. Hilder, B. de Rijk, G. Schneider. Moving modulating pulse and front solutions of permanent form in a FPU model with nearest and next-to-nearest neighbor interaction, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 22-2 (2023), pp. 1076-1113. DOI | preprint
B. Hilder, B. de Rijk, G. Schneider. Nonlinear stability of periodic roll solutions in the real Ginzburg-Landau equation against C_{ub}^m-perturbations, Comm. Math. Phys. 400 (2023), pp. 277-314. DOI | preprint
D.E. Pelinovsky, B. de Rijk. Extinction of multiple shocks in the modular Burgers equation, Nonlinear Dynamics 111 (2023), pp. 3679-3687. DOI | preprint
M. Haragus, M.A. Johnson, W.R. Perkins, B. de Rijk. Nonlinear modulational dynamics of spectrally stable Lugiato-Lefever periodic waves, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 40 (2023), pp. 769-802. DOI | preprint
M. Engel, C. Kuehn, B. de Rijk. A traveling wave bifurcation analysis of turbulent pipe flow, Nonlinearity 35-11 (2022), pp. 5903-5937. DOI | preprint
R. Goh, B. de Rijk. Spectral stability of pattern-forming fronts in the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with a quenching mechanism, Nonlinearity 35-1 (2022), pp. 170-244. DOI | preprint | github code repository
B. de Rijk, G. Schneider. Global existence and decay in multi-component reaction-diffusion-advection systems with different velocities: oscillations in time and frequency, Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl. 28-2 (2021). DOI | preprint
B. de Rijk, G. Schneider. Global existence and decay in nonlinearly coupled reaction-diffusion-advection equations with different velocities, J. Differential Equations 268-7 (2020), pp. 3392-3448. DOI | preprint
T. Haas, B. de Rijk, G. Schneider. Modulation equations near the Eckhaus boundary: the KdV equation, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 52-6 (2020), pp. 5389–5421. DOI | preprint
B. de Rijk, B. Sandstede. Diffusive stability against nonlocalized perturbations of planar wave trains in reaction-diffusion systems, J. Differential Equations 265-10 (2018), pp. 5315-5351. DOI | corrigendum | DOI old version | corrected preprint
A. Doelman, J.D.M Rademacher, B. de Rijk, F. Veerman. Destabilization mechanisms of periodic pulse patterns near a homoclinic limit, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 17-2 (2018), pp. 1833–1890. DOI | preprint
B. de Rijk. Spectra and stability of spatially periodic pulse patterns II: the critical spectral curve, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 50-2 (2018), pp. 1958-2019. DOI | preprint
B. de Rijk, A. Doelman, J.D.M. Rademacher. Spectra and stability of spatially periodic pulse patterns: Evans function factorization via Riccati transformation, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 48-1 (2016), pp. 61-121. DOI | preprint
P. Carter, B. de Rijk, B. Sandstede. Stability of traveling pulses with oscillatory tails in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system, J. Nonlinear Sci. 26-5 (2016), pp. 1369-1444. DOI | preprint


B. de Rijk. Spectral stability of pattern-forming fronts in the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with a quenching mechanism, Oberwolfach reports 37 (2021), pp. 25-27. DOI

Conference proceedings

L. Sewalt, K. Myerscough, N. Banagaaya, B. de Rijk, J. Dubbeldam, Stress distribution during neck formation: An approximate theory, Proceedings of the 90th European Study Group Mathematics with Industry (2013). PDF
N. Bansal, D. Bourne, M. Firat, M. de Graaf, S. Kapodistria, K. Kumar, C. Meerman, M. Mitici, F.R. Nardi, B. de Rijk, S. Sarswat, L. Scardia. Optimization of lifetime in sensor networks, Proceedings of the 84th European Study Group Mathematics with Industry (2012). PDF


B. de Rijk, Periodic pulse solutions to slowly nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems, PhD thesis, Leiden (2016). LUR | PDF
B. de Rijk. The order bicommutant, Master’s thesis, Leiden (2012). (awarded with GQT student prize) PDF