Webrelaunch 2020

Exercise session

Exercise sheets

  • Every Monday, there will be an exercise sheet. The sheets will be available next to office 305 in the mathematics building and on this web page.
  • For every exercise sheet, you can hand in the two exercises marked with a C (1 student per sheet). The corresponding box is next to office 328 in the mathematics building. You can also bring them to the exercise session on the subsequent Monday.
  • You can get back the corrected solutions next to the stairs near office 302, mathematics building.


  • For each exercise sheet you can get 8 points.
  • To get the Übungsschein it is sufficient to have 50% of the points on sheets 1-4,5-8 and 9-12 respectively.

The exercise sheets

from sheet 11 on, see German page
Sheet 1, deadline 28th April.
Sheet 2, deadline 5th May.
Sheet 3, deadline 19th May.
Sheet 4, deadline 19th May.
Sheet 5, deadline 26th May.
Sheet 6, deadline 2nd June.
Sheet 7, deadline 9th June.
Sheet 8, deadline 16th June.
Sheet 9, deadline 23rd June.
Sheet 10, deadline 30th June.