Webrelaunch 2020

Internet Seminar

The internet seminar on evolution equation has been organized every year since 1997 by several working groups in Germany, Italy, Hungary and the Netherlands. It was founded by the functional analysis group in Tübingen. The participants are advanced (master) students and Ph.D students. From October to February they obtain weekly study material at a website. They are supervised by local coordinators at their university (in Karlsruhe: D. Frey, P. Kunstmann, R. Schnaubelt and P. Tolksdorf). From March to June they work in (internationally mixed) small groups on a project and report on it in June at the final workshop.

The current Internet Seminar

isem2024-25.jpg28th Internet Seminar 2024/2025:
Ergodic Structure Theory and Applications

Organized by:
Asgar Jamneshan (Dresden),
Henrik Kreidler (Wuppertal),
Rajula Srivastava (Bonn).

Local coordination by:
Peer Kunstmann
Patrick Tolksdorf

Past Internet Seminars

isem2023-24_klein.png27th Internet Seminar 2023/2024:
Harmonic Analysis Techniques for Elliptic Operators

Organized by
Moritz Egert (Darmstadt),
Robert Haller (Darmstadt),
Sylvie Monniaux (Marseille),
Patrick Tolksdorf (Karlsruhe).

Local coordination by:
Dorothee Frey
Peer Kunstmann
Roland Schnaubelt
Patrick Tolksdorf
isem2022-23.jpg26th Internet Seminar 2022/2023:
Graphs and Discrete Dirichlet Spaces

Organized by:
Peter Baarsch (Hamburg),
Matthias Keller (Potsdam),
Daniel Lenz (Jena),
Marcel Schmidt (Leipzig),
Christian Seifert (Hamburg).

Local coordination by:
Dorothee Frey
Peer Kunstmann
isem2021-22.jpg25th Internet Seminar 2021/2022:
Spectral theory for operators and semigroups

Organized by:
Angela Albanese (Lecce),
Luca Lorenzi (Parma),
Elisabetta Mangino (Lecce),
Abdelaziz Rhandi (Salerno).

Local coordination by:
Dorothee Frey
Peer Kunstmann
Roland Schnaubelt
isem2020-21.jpg24th Internet Seminar 2020/2021:
C*-algebras and dynamics

Organized by:
Christian Budde (North-West U, South Africa),
Moritz Weber (Saarbrücken).

Local coordination by:
Peer Kunstmann
Roland Schnaubelt
isem2019-20.jpeg23rd Internet Seminar 2019/2020:
Evolutionary Equations

Organized by:
Peter Baasch (Hamburg),
Christian Seifert (Hamburg, Clausthal),
Sascha Trostorff (Kiel),
Marcus Waurick (Strathclyde (Glasgow)).

Local coordination by:
Peer Kunstmann
Roland Schnaubelt
isem2018-19.jpeg22nd Internet Seminar 2018/2019:
Ergodic Theorems

Organized by:
Christian Budde (Wuppertal),
Tanja Eisner (Leipzig),
Balint Farkas (Wuppertal),
Markus Haase (Kiel).

Local coordination by:
Peer Kunstmann
Roland Schnaubelt
isem2017-18.jpeg21st Internet Seminar 2017/2018:
Functional Calculus

Organized by:
Markus Haase (Kiel),
Balint Farkas (Wuppertal),
Bernhard Haak (Bordeaux),
Caren Grenz (Kiel),
Florian Pannasch (Kiel),
Marco Peruzzetto (Kiel).

Local coordination by:
Peer Kunstmann
Roland Schnaubelt
posterisem20.jpg20th Internet Seminar 2016/2017:
Linear Parabolic Equations

Organized by:
Luca Lorenzi (Parma),
Abdelaziz Rhandi (Salerno),
Davide Addona (Parma),
Federica Gregorio (Salerno),
Cristian Tacelli (Salerno),
Carlo Troiano (Salerno).

Local coordination by:
Peer Kunstmann
Roland Schnaubelt
posterisem19.jpg19th Internet Seminar 2015/2016:
Infinite Dimensional Analysis

Organized by:
Alessandra Lunardi (Parma),
Michele Miranda (Ferrara),
Diego Pallara (Lecce).

Local coordination by:
Peer Kunstmann
Roland Schnaubelt
isem2014-15thumb.jpg18th Internet Seminar 2014/2015:
Form Methods for Evolution Equations, and Applications

Organized by:
Wolfgang Arendt (Ulm),
Ralph Chill (Dresden),
Christian Seifert (Hamburg),
Hendrik Vogt (Clausthal),
Jürgen Voigt (Dresden).

Local coordination by:
Peer Kunstmann
Roland Schnaubelt
isem2013-14.thumb.jpg17th Internet Seminar 2013/2014:
Positive Operator Semigroups and Applications

Organized by:
András Bátkai (Budapest),
Marjeta Kramar Fijavz (Ljubljana),
Abdelaziz Rhandi (Salerno)

Local coordination by:
Peer Kunstmann
Roland Schnaubelt
isem2011-13.thumb.jpg16th Internet Seminar 2012/2013:
Operator Semigroups and Dispersive Equations

Organized by:
Dirk Hundertmark (Karlsruhe),
Lars Machinek (Karlsruhe),
Martin Meyries (Halle),
Roland Schnaubelt (Karlsruhe)

isem2011-12.thumb.jpg15th Internet Seminar 2011/2012:
Operator Semigroups for Numerical Analysis

Organized by:
András Bátkai (Budapest),
Bálint Farkas (Budapest),
Petra Csomós (Innsbruck),
Alexander Ostermann (Innsbruck)

Local coordination by:
Marlis Hochbruck
Roland Schnaubelt
isem2010-11.thumb.jpg14th Internet Seminar 2010/2011:
Infinite-Dimensional Linear Systems Theory

Organized by:
Birgit Jacob (Wuppertal),
Hans Zwart (Twente)

Local coordination by:
Peer Kunstmann
Roland Schnaubelt
isem2009-10.thumb.jpg13th Internet Seminar 2009/2010:
Gradient Systems

Organized by:
Tomáš Bárta (Prag),
Ralph Chill (Metz)
Eva Fašangová (Prag/Ulm)

Local coordination by:
Peer Kunstmann
Roland Schnaubelt
isem2008-09.thumb.jpg12th Internet Seminar 2008/2009:
Ergodic Theory

Organized by:
Tanja Eisner (Tübingen),
Bálint Farkas (Darmstadt),
Markus Haase (Delft),
Rainer Nagel (Tübingen)

Local coordination by:
Peer Kunstmann
Roland Schnaubelt
isem2007-08.thumb.jpg11th Internet Seminar 2007/2008:
Stochastic Evolution Equations

Organized by:
Jan van Neerven (Delft)
isem10.thumb.jpg10th Internet Seminar 2006/2007:
Brownian Motion and Stochastic Differential Equations

Organized by:
Stefano Bonaccorsi (Trento),
Enrico Priola (Torino)
isem9.thumb.jpg9th Internet Seminar 2005/2006:
Heat Kernels

Organized by:
Wolfgang Arendt (Ulm)
isem8.thumb.jpg8th Internet Seminar 2004/2005:
Analytic Semigroups and Reaction-Diffusion Problems

Organized by:
Luca Lorenzi (Parma),
Alessandra Lunardi (Parma),
Giorgio Metafune (Lecce),
Diego Pallara (Lecce)
isem7.thumb.jpg7th Internet Seminar 2003/2004:
Operator Semigroups and Applications

Organized by:
German-Italian Consortium
isem6.thumb.jpg6th Internet Seminar 2002/2003:
Operator Matrices and Delay Semigroups

Organized by:
Andras Batkai (Budapest),
Klaus-Jochen Engel (L'Aquila),
Rainer Nagel (Tübingen)
isem5.thumb.jpg5th Internet Seminar 2001/2002:
Functional Calculus and Differential Operators

Organized by:
Cornelia Kaiser (Karlsruhe),
Peer Kunstmann (Karlsruhe),
Lutz Weis (Karlsruhe)
isem4.jpg4th Internet Seminar 2000/2001:
Invitation to Positive Semigroups

Organized by:
Rainer Nagel (Tübingen),
Ulf Schlotterbeck (Tübingen)

isem3.jpg3rd Internet Seminar 1999/2000:
Semigroups Generated by Elliptic Operators

Organized by:
Wolfgang Arendt (Ulm),
Sonja Thomaschewski (Ulm)

isem2.jpg2nd Internet Seminar 1998/1999:
Spectral Theory and Asymptotic Behavior of Semigroups

Organized by:
Franziska Kühnemund (Tübingen),
Rainer Nagel (Tübingen)

isem1.jpg1st Internet Seminar 1997/1998:
One-Parameter Semigroups and Evolution Equations

Organized by:
Franziska Kühnemund (Tübingen),
Rainer Nagel (Tübingen)