Webrelaunch 2020
Photo of Martin Spitz

Dr. Martin Spitz

  • Office hour for students
  • Building Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
  • Room

Welcome on my homepage.

Since July 2019 I am at the University of Bielefeld. There you also find my current e-mail address.

During my time in Karlsruhe I was part of the workgroup Functional Analysis and the CRC 1173. In project A5 of the Collaborative Research Centre I have investigated qualitative properties of nonlinear Maxwell equations.

Research interests

  • nonlinear partial differential equations
  • local wellposedness and long time behavior
  • initial boundary value problems
  • hyperbolic systems
  • Maxwell equations

Publications and Preprints

4.R. Schnaubelt, M. Spitz, Local wellposedness of quasilinear Maxwell equations with absorbing boundary conditions. Submitted. December 2018.
3.R. Schnaubelt, M. Spitz, Local wellposedness of quasilinear Maxwell equations with conservative interface conditions. Submitted. November 2018.
2.M. Spitz, Regularity theory for nonautonomous Maxwell equations with perfectly conducting boundary conditions. Submitted. May 2018.
1.M. Spitz, Local wellposedness of nonlinear Maxwell equations with perfectly conducting boundary conditions, Journal of Differential Equations 266 (2019), pp. 5012 - 5063.
Preprint Journal.


M. Spitz: Local Wellposedness of Nonlinear Maxwell Equations. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. July 2017.
DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000078030