Optimization of additively manufactured polymer scaffolds for bone tissue engineering
- Time: 9.5.2019, 14:00
Karlsruher PDE Seminar
Prof. Dr. Patrick Dondl, Universität Freiburg
Donnerstag, 09.05.2019, 14-15 Uhr, R. 1.067
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a rapidly emerging technology that has the potential to produce personalized scaffolds for tissue engineering applications with unprecedented control of structural and func- tional design. Particularly for bone defect regeneration, the complex coupling of biological mechanisms to the scaffolds’ properties has led to a widespread trial-and-error approach. To mitigate this, shape or topology optimization can be a useful tool to design a scaffold architecture that matches the desired design targets, albeit at high computational cost. Here, we consider two complementary approaches: first, an efficient macroscopic optimization routine based on a simple one-dimensional time-dependent model for bone regeneration in the presence of a bioresorbable polymer scaffold is developed. The result of the optimization procedure is a scaffold porosity distribution which maximizes the stiffness of the scaffold and regenerated bone system over the regeneration time, so that the propensity for mechanical failure is minimized. Second, we consider a periodic microstructure optimization problem for scaffold architectures based on a domain-splitting. Joint work with K. Bhattacharya (Caltech), M. v. Griensven (TU Munich), P. Poh (Charité Berlin), M. Rumpf (Bonn), S. Simon (Bonn), D. Valainis (TU Munich).