I have left KIT on May 31, 2023. In urgent cases, please contact the office of the Research Group Numerical Analysis.
Semester | Titel | Typ |
Summer Semester 2023 | Höhere Mathematik II für die Fachrichtung Bauingenieur*inwesen: Integralrechnung und Funktionen mehrerer Veränderlicher | Lecture |
Winter Semester 2022/23 | Ringvorlesung Wavephenomena | Lecture |
Winter Semester 2020/21 | Höhere Mathematik 1 für die Fachrichtung Bauingenieurwesen: Analysis und Lineare Algebra | Lecture |
Summer Semester 2019 | Advanced Mathematics II for Civil Engineering: Integrals and functions of several variables | Lecture |
- Dynamical low-rank approximation (DLR) for matrix differential equations
- Rank-adaptivitiy for DLR
- Construction and implementation of novel DLR algorithms for second-order matrix differential equations
- J. Leibold and S. Schrammer: Erfahrungen bei den Lernbrücken in Karlsruhe 2021, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 29(4):234–235, 2021.
- M. Hochbruck, M. Neher, and S. Schrammer: Dynamical low-rank integrators for second-order matrix differential equations, Bit Numer Math 63, 4 (2023). Preprint
- M. Hochbruck, M. Neher, and S. Schrammer: Rank-adaptive dynamical low-rank integrators for first-order and second-order matrix differential equations, Bit Numer Math 63, 9 (2023). Preprint
Stefan Schrammer. On dynamical low-rank integrators for matrix differential equations. PhD thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), July 2022.