Webrelaunch 2020

iRTG-Seminar (Summer Semester 2019)

For informations please contact Julian Baumstark (speaker of doctoral researchers in iRTG of CRC 1173).

Seminar: Thursday 11:30-13:00 SR 1.067
Lecturer Prof. Dr. Willy Dörfler
Office hours: Monday, 14:15-15:15 or by appointment.
Room 3.013 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: willy.doerfler at kit.edu
Lecturer Prof. Dr. Roland Schnaubelt
Office hours: Tuesday at 12:00 - 13:00, and by appointment.
Room 2-047 (Englerstr. 2) Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: schnaubelt@kit.edu