Webrelaunch 2020

Mathematical Modelling and Simulation (Winter Semester 2016/17)

There are

oral presentation

Mo 30.1. (room 3.068) and
Thu 2.2. (room 2.067) both days 13:30-15:30 h in the math building.

Introduction as audio

Podcast on Julia Sets incl. simulations

Game Theory I as audio
Link to Research with Game-Theory

Game Theory II & Oscillations as audio
Link to Tacoma Bridge desaster

Population Models I & II as audio
Link to Discussion of Malthus model by an economist

Traffic Models I as audio

Traffic Models II as audio

Chaos as audio
Link to Logistic map calculator
Link to Logistic Map on the Wolfram platform
Link to Cantor lines calculator
Link to Collection of Strange attractors
Link to Examples for strange attractors
Link to Video for Lorenz attractor

Heat conduction as audio

The general aim of this lecture course is threefold

  • To interconnect different mathematical fields
  • To connect mathematics with real life problems and students of different lecture courses
  • To learn to be critical and to ask relevant questions.
Lecture: Friday 9:45-11:15 30.41 HS III Begin: 28.10.2016
Lecturer PD Dr. Gudrun Thäter
Office hours: by appointment
Room 3.023 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: gudrun.thaeter@kit.edu

In the lecture course we cover the following topics:

  • Game theory
  • Julia Sets
  • Oscillation
  • Population Models
  • Simulation of traffic
  • Chaotic behavior
  • Heat conduction
  • Fluids and flow

During the lecture course there will be one lecture of a person from industry and an excursion at the end. There is a lot of extra material available through the Modellansatz Podcast with German and English episodes.


To register for the exam you have to finish the work on a modelling project during the term in a group of 2-3 persons. The topic of the project is up to the choice of each group. There will be recommended projects for groups without own ideas.

The project can be finished either with a written report to be handed in one week before the end of the term or an oral presentation during the two last weeks of the term.

Due to the workload of 90 min of lectures each week and a project which translates into about 45 min per week (during term) the participants earn 4 ECTS by passing the exam.

The exam is an oral exam on all matters from the lecture course. There will be two examination days: The first one a week or two after the term and the second one immediately before the new term.


Hans-Joachim Bungartz e.a.: Modeling and Simulation: An Application-Oriented Introduction, Springer, Sept. 2013

It is available as e-books through the KIT-library