Webrelaunch 2020

Mathematical Modelling and Simulation (Wintersemester 2021/22)

  • Dozent*in: PD Dr. Gudrun Thäter
  • Veranstaltungen: Vorlesung (0109400), Übung (0109410)
  • Semesterwochenstunden: 2+1

Please register with the ILIAS-course. There is a script and more material (the bulk of which will grow over the months).

But this term it is especially important in order to have a stable flow of information if and how we meet in person.

On October 18th there will definitely be no lecture in the lecture hall but a video lecture instead. Also the tutorial will not take place that week and the following weeks (I will explain that in the first video lecture).

Vorlesung: Montag 10:00-11:30 10.50 Raum 602
Übung: Dienstag 16:00-17:30 20.30 SR 3.61
Dozentin, Übungsleiterin PD Dr. Gudrun Thäter
Sprechstunde: Nach Absprache
Zimmer 3.023 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: gudrun.thaeter@kit.edu

The general aim of this lecture course is threefold:

1) to interconnect different mathematical fields
2) to connect mathematics and real life problems
3) to learn to be critical and to ask relevant questions.

There are no special prerequisites.

During the lecture course there will be one lecture of a person from industry and one excursion (at the end of the lecture course) if possible.

To earn the credits you have to attend the lecture, finish the work on one project during the term in a group of 2-3 persons and pass the exam. The topic of the project is up to the choice of each group.


The exam is an oral exam. The finished project is a prerequisite for the oral exam.


Hans-Joachim Bungartz e.a.: Modeling and Simulation: An Application-Oriented Introduction,
Springer, 2013 (English)