Webrelaunch 2020
Foto von Stephan Simonis

Dr. Stephan Simonis

  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
    Institut für Angewandte und Numerische Mathematik (IANM2)
    Englerstr. 2
    76131 Karlsruhe


Aktuelles Lehrangebot
Semester Titel Typ
Wintersemester 2024/25 Vorlesung
Sommersemester 2024 Praktikum
Sommersemester 2023 Praktikum
Sommersemester 2022 Praktikum
Sommersemester 2021 Seminar
Wintersemester 2020/21 Seminar
Sommersemester 2020 Seminar

Mögliche Abschlussarbeiten

Thema Typ
Lattice Boltzmann Methoden und Relaxationschemata für hyperbolische Erhaltungsgleichungen Bachelor-/Masterthesis (Mathematik, Fluiddynamik)
Stabilitätsanalyse von Lattice Boltzmann Methoden für Advektions-Diffusions-Gleichungen Bachelor-/Masterthesis (Mathematik)
Stabilitätsanalyse von Lattice Boltzmann Methoden für turbulente Strömungen Masterthesis (Mathematik, Fluiddynamik, Hochleistungsrechnen)
Numerische Analyse von Relaxationsschemata und Lattice Boltzmann Methoden Masterthesis (Mathematik)
Erweiterte Filterung für Large Eddy Lattice Boltzmann Methoden Masterthesis (Mathematik, Fluiddynamik)
Lattice Boltzmann Methoden für großskaliges Computersampling von Strömungen Masterthesis (Mathematik, Fluiddynamik, Hochleistungsrechnen)


  1. M. Zhong, T. Xiao, M. J. Krause, M. Frank, S. Simonis. A stochastic Galerkin lattice Boltzmann method for incompressible fluid flows with uncertainties. Journal of Computational Physics 517:113344 (2024)
  2. S. Ito, J. Jeßberger, S. Simonis, F. Bukreev, A. Kummerländer, A. Zimmermann, G. Thäter, G. R. Pesch, J. Thöming, M. J. Krause. Identification of reaction rate parameters from uncertain spatially distributed concentration data using gradient-based PDE constrained optimization. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 167:249-263 (2024)
  3. S. Simonis, S. Mishra. Computing statistical Navier–Stokes solutions. In R. Abgrall, M. Garavello, M. Lukácová-Medvidová, and K. Trivisa, editors, Hyperbolic Balance Laws: Interplay between Scales and Randomness, Oberwolfach Rep. 10 (2024), EMS Press.
  4. S. Simonis. Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Partial Differential Equations. PhD thesis (2023), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
  5. F. Bukreev, S. Simonis, A. Kummerländer, J. Jeßberger, M. J. Krause. Consistent lattice Boltzmann methods for the volume averaged Navier–Stokes equations. Journal of Computational Physics 490:112301 (2023)
  6. S. Simonis, J. Nguyen, S. J. Avis, W. Dörfler, M. J. Krause. Binary fluid flow simulations with free energy lattice Boltzmann methods. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - S, in press (2023)
  7. S. Simonis, M. Frank, M. J. Krause. Constructing relaxation systems for lattice Boltzmann methods. Applied Mathematics Letters 137:108484 (2023)
  8. A. Mink, K. Schediwy, C. Posten, H. Nirschl, S. Simonis, M. J. Krause. Comprehensive Computational Model for Coupled Fluid Flow, Mass Transfer, and Light Supply in Tubular Photobioreactors Equipped with Glass Sponges. Energies 15(20):7671 (2022)
  9. S. Simonis, M. J. Krause. Forschungsnahe Lehre unter Pandemiebedingungen. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 30(1):43-45 (2022)
  10. S. Simonis, D. Oberle, M. Gaedtke, P. Jenny, M. J. Krause. Temporal large eddy simulation with lattice Boltzmann methods. Journal of Computational Physics 454:110991 (2022)
  11. S. Simonis, M. Haussmann, L. Kronberg, W. Dörfler, M. J. Krause. Linear and brute force stability of orthogonal moment multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann methods applied to homogeneous isotropic turbulence. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 379:20200405 (2021)
  12. M. Haussmann, P. Reinshaus, S. Simonis, H. Nirschl, M. J. Krause. Fluid–Structure Interaction Simulation of a Coriolis Mass Flowmeter Using a Lattice Boltzmann Method. Fluids 6(4):167 (2021)
  13. D. Dapelo, S. Simonis, M. J. Krause, J. Bridgeman. Lattice-Boltzmann coupled models for advection–diffusion flow on a wide range of Péclet numbers. Journal of Computational Science 51:101363 (2021)
  14. M. Siodlaczek, M. Gaedtke, S. Simonis, M. Schweiker, N. Homma, M. J. Krause. Numerical evaluation of thermal comfort using a large eddy lattice Boltzmann method. Building and Environment 192:107618 (2021)
  15. M. J. Krause, A. Kummerländer, S. J. Avis, H. Kusumaatmaja, D. Dapelo, F. Klemens, M. Gaedtke, N. Hafen, A. Mink, R. Trunk, J. E. Marquardt, M.-L. Maier, M. Haussmann, S. Simonis. OpenLB — Open source lattice Boltzmann code. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 81:258-288 (2021)
  16. S. Simonis, M. Frank, M. J. Krause. On relaxation systems and their relation to discrete velocity Boltzmann models for scalar advection–diffusion equations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378:20190400 (2020)
  17. M. Haussmann, S. Simonis, H. Nirschl, M. J. Krause. Direct numerical simulation of decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence — numerical experiments on stability, consistency and accuracy of distinct lattice Boltzmann methods. International Journal of Modern Physics C 30(09):1950074 (2019)

Eine vollständigere Liste finden Sie hier.

Konferenzbeiträge und Präsentationen

  1. S. Simonis, B. Dorschner, I. V. Karlin, M. J. Krause. Spectral effects of entropic multi-relaxation for lattice Boltzmann methods. 33rd International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics (DSFD 2024), 9.-12. Juli 2024, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Schweiz
  2. S. Simonis, S. Mishra. Computing statistical Navier–Stokes solutions. Workshop 2409: Hyperbolic Balance Laws: Interplay between Scales and Randomness, 25. Februar - 1. März 2024, MFO, Oberwolfach, Deutschland
  3. S. Simonis, M. J. Krause. Explorative computing for stable and consistent kinetic relaxation in lattice Boltzmann methods. 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2023), 20.-25. August 2023, Waseda University, Tokio, Japan
  4. S. Simonis. Turbulence models for lattice Boltzmann methods. 5.-9. Juni 2023, University of Greenwich, London, England
  5. S. Simonis. Relaxation systems and lattice Boltzmann methods. 21. Oktober 2022, Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées (CMAP), École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, Frankreich
  6. S. Simonis, M. J. Krause. Brute force analysis of kinetic relaxation parameters for multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann methods. 31st International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics (DSFD 2022), 22. - 26. August 2022, Soochow University, Suzhou, China
  7. S. Simonis, M. Frank, M. J. Krause. Constructive relaxation formalism for lattice Boltzmann methods. 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2022), 15. - 19. August 2022, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Deutschland
  8. S. Simonis, M. J. Krause. Limit consistency for lattice Boltzmann equations. 18th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science (ICMMES 2022), 27. Juni - 1. Juli 2022, La Rochelle University, La Rochelle, Frankreich
  9. S. Simonis. Analysis of lattice Boltzmann methods. 6. Juni, 2022, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakau, Polen
  10. S. Simonis. Turbulence models for lattice Boltzmann methods. 7. Juni, 2022, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakau, Polen
  11. S. Simonis. Temporal large eddy simulation with lattice Boltzmann methods. 24. November 2021, Groupe de travail \"Schémas de Boltzmann sur réseau\", Institut Henri Poincaré, Online
  12. S. Simonis, M. Frank, M. J. Krause. Discrete Velocity Boltzmann Models As Relaxation Systems for Scalar Advection–Diffusion Equations. 14th WCCM & ECCOMAS Congress 2020, Virtual Congress 11.-15. Januar 2021
  13. M. J. Krause, A. Kummerländer, S. Simonis. Fluid Flow Simulation with Lattice Boltzmann Methods on High Performance Computers. 1. Dezember 2020, Advanced Modeling & Simulation (AMS) Seminar Series, NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division, Online
  14. S. Simonis. Lattice Boltzmann methods for homogeneous isotropic turbulence. 25. September 2020, Institute of Fluid Dynamics, ETH Zürich, Schweiz
  15. S. Simonis, M. Frank, M. J. Krause. Perturbation formalism of relaxation systems and the link to discrete velocity Boltzmann models. 29th International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics (DSFD 2020), 13.-18. Juli 2020, Online
  16. S. Simonis. Analysis of lattice Boltzmann methods. 9. März 2020, Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), Berlin, Deutschland
  17. S. Simonis. Introduction to lattice Boltzmann methods. 10. Dezember 2019, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brasilien
  18. S. Simonis. Direct numerical simulation of decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence with lattice Boltzmann methods. 1. August 2019, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Dharwad, Karnataka, Indien
  19. M. Haussmann, S. Simonis, H. Nirschl, M. J. Krause. Direct numerical simulation of decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence — numerical experiments on stability, consistency and accuracy of distinct lattice Boltzmann methods. 28th International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics (DSFD 2019), 22.-26. Juli 2019, JNCASR Bangalore, Indien

Alle Vorlesungen und Kurse

Semester Titel Typ
Sommersemester 2023 Praktikum
Wintersemester 2022/23 Seminar
Sommersemester 2022 Praktikum
Wintersemester 2021/22 Seminar
Sommersemester 2021 Praktikum
Wintersemester 2020/21 Seminar
Sommersemester 2020 Praktikum
Wintersemester 2019/20 Seminar
Sommersemester 2019 Praktikum