PD Dr. Gudrun Thäter
by appointment
Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
+49 721 608 45840
+49 721 608 - 46679
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Institut für Angewandte und Numerische Mathematik
Englerstrasse 2
76131 Karlsruhe
I am a permanent member of the Faculty with own teaching. My research focuses on Fluid Dynamics and modeling flow. I am a member of the Lattice Boltzmann Research Group. Here we work and teach in a strong collaboration with process engineers. I am a member of the graduate schools SiMET, where we model and simulate the life span of batteries and KCDS about Computational and Data Science.
I am currently a deputy speaker in the KIT-Centre MathSEE in the area Mathematical modeling, differential equations, numerics, simulation. I helped to organise our first workshop in 2020 and, in particular, I organised the panel discussion.
For the German Association of Mathematicians (DMV) I am serving as Editor-in-Chief of our journal Mitteilungen der DMV (2021-2024).
You can find my published papers on the platform Google Scholar.
Our Podcast Modellansatz shows fascinating applications of mathematics all around us. There are quite a few English episodes.
Together with the University of Marseille and INRIA méditerranée we organized two German-French Summerschools on Fluid Mechanics: 2010 in Bad Herrenalb and 2012 in Nice.
- Four research projects were funded by StartUp-Budgets of KIT.
- We were working successfully in the long term BMBF Project Lehre^Forschung (2012-2020)
- ZIM-Project Lightmarker 2016-2018 together with iXpoint and the KIT-faculty of architecture.
- Teaching4Future (2020-2023) wit HAW Mannheim
- Bridge-Phd Jan Schaßberger with Appl. Prof. Lutz Gröll
Outside KIT there are collaborators in BAW, ptv-Group, FE-Design, and BOSCH.
- 3 PhD students (two finished)
- 24 Diploma students
- 2 Teacher students
- 48 Master students
- 37 Bachelor theses