Webrelaunch 2020

Aspects of Numerical Integration (Summer Semester 2019)

Welcome to my lecture. Please register for the lecture by sending me an email. You will then get access to the lecture notes.

Lecture: Thursday 14:00-15:30 SR -1.017 (UG)
Problem class: Thursday 15:45-17:15 SR -1.017 (UG)
Lecturer, Problem classes JProf. Dr. Katharina Schratz
Office hours: By Appointment
Room Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)

The lectures and exercises on the 2nd of May, the 16th of May and the 25th of July take place on the 20th (room -1.015) , 21st (room -1.009) and 22nd (room -1.017) of May from 14:00 -- 15:30 (lecture) and 15:30 -- 17:00 (exercises).