Webrelaunch 2020

Finite Element Methods (Winter Semester 2022/23)

In the first week of the lecture period, there is no exercise session.

Lecture: Monday 14:00-15:30 20.30 SR 2.58 Begin: 24.10.2022, End: 7.2.2023
Tuesday 14:00-15:30 20.30 SR 3.69
Problem class: Wednesday 9:45-11:15 20.30 SR 2.66 Begin: 31.10.2022, End: 8.2.2023

General information

Click here (not yet available) for a short description of the course, references, and other informations.


The ILIAS course for this lecture can be found here.

Problem sheets

... are provided in ILIAS, too.


In German: