Webrelaunch 2020

Numerical Methods for oscillatory differential equations (Summer Semester 2024)

Lecture: Wednesday 8:00-9:30 20.30 SR 3.68
Thursday 15:45-17:15 20.30 SR 2.66
Problem class: Wednesday 14:00-15:30 20.30 SR 3.68
Lecturer Prof. Dr. Tobias Jahnke
Office hours:
Room 3.042 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: tobias.jahnke@kit.edu
Problem classes M.Sc. Michael Kirn
Office hours: by appointment
Room 3.045 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: michael.kirn@kit.edu

The exercise class on 17 April 2024 will be replaced by a lecture. Hence, there will be three lectures in the first week of the semester.

Please visit the ILIAS page of the course for more information, teaching material etc.