Webrelaunch 2020

Comparison of numerical integrators for nonlinear dispersive equations (Winter Semester 2018/19)

The first exercise class will take place in the second week. (The week from 22nd to 26th of October.)

Lecture: Wednesday 15:45-17:15 SR 3.61
Problem class: Monday 8:00-9:30 SR 3.61
Lecturer JProf. Dr. Katharina Schratz
Office hours: By Appointment
Room Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Problem classes Dr. Patrick Krämer
Office hours: by appointment
Room 3.025 Kollegiengebäude Mathematik (20.30)
Email: patrick.kraemer3@kit.edu

Comparison of numerical integrators for nonlinear dispersive equations

In this lecture we will compare various numerical methods (e.g., Splitting methods, exponential integrators, Fourier integrators) for nonlinear dispersive equations. We will in particular study their error behavior with respect to the regularity of the solution, the conservation of geometric structures and long time behavior. Our model problems thereby include fundamental models such as the nonlinear Schrödinger and Korteweg-de Vries equation.

Prerequisites: lecture on theoretical and numerical analysis of partial differential equations


The first exercise class will take place in the week from 22nd to 26th of October.

Please register here for the participation in the problem class. Additional material to the lecture/problem class will be provided there.

Exercise Sheet 1 Program Files for Prog. Ex. 1 uploaded to the internal area
Exercise Sheet 2 Program Files for Prog. Ex. 2 & 3 uploaded to the internal area
Exercise Sheet 3 Program Files for Prog. Ex. 4 uploaded to the internal area
Exercise Sheet 4