Webrelaunch 2020

Fractional Differential Equations (Wintersemester 2006/07)


Fractional Differential Equations

Professors L. Boyadjiev (Sofia) and R. Scherer

This seminar offers lectures on the theory, on applications and
on the numerical treatment of Fractional Differential Equations.
"Fractional" means that non-integer derivatives appear in the equations.


A.A. Kilbas, H.M. Srivastava and J.J. Trujillo:
Theory and Applications of Fractional Differential Equations. Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2006.

I. Podlubny: Fractional Differential Equations. Academic Press: San Diego, 1999.

And original papers from Mathematical Journals: K. Diethelm and others.


Participants should have very good knowledge
in the theory of Ordinary Differential Equations and Function Theory (Special Functions)
and/or in the Numerical Treatment of ODEs.

In the first seminar hours the participants are provided with the basic material
of this topic (some lectures are presented by the professors).

Interested students should contact us as soon as possible, in the office or by e-mail.
Then we offer you material for your lecture in the seminar.
The lecture should be presented in English or in German with an introduction in English.

Please, notice also the schedule for the consulting hours.

Seminar: Dienstag 15:45-17:15 Seminarraum 31